Organization | Role |
Professor | |
Attending Physician | |
Attending Physician | |
Director |
+886-2-23123456 #71942
Research Interests
Precision medicine
Genomic medicine
Human genetics
Next-generation sequencing (NGS)
Model organism
Organization | Major | Role | Start | End |
Johns Hopkins University | Human Genetics and Molecular Biology | Ph.D. | August 1, 2003 | July 31, 2009 |
National Taiwan University | Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, College of Medicine | M.S. | August 1, 2000 | July 31, 2002 |
National Taiwan University | School of Medicine | M.D. | August 1, 1988 | July 31, 1995 |
Organization | Dept | Title | Start |
National Taiwan University Hospital | Department of Internal Medicine | Visiting staff | January 1, 2009 |
National Taiwan University Hospital | Department of Medical Genetics | Attending Physician | January 1, 2009 |
National Taiwan University | Graduate Institute of Medical Genomics and Proteomics, College of Medicine | Professor | August 1, 2023 |
National Taiwan University | Graduate Institute of Medical Genomics and Proteomics | Director | August 1, 2019 |
Organization | Dept | Title | Start | End |
National Taiwan University | Graduate Institute of Medical Genomics and Proteomics, College of Medicine | Assistant Professor | August 1, 2011 | July 31, 2016 |
Far Eastern Polyclinic | Department of Internal Medicine | Attending Physician | January 1, 2002 | January 1, 2003 |
National Taiwan University Hospital | Department of Internal Medicine | Resident | January 1, 1997 | January 1, 2000 |
National Taiwan University | Graduate Institute of Medical Genomics and Proteomics, College of Medicine | Associate Professor | August 1, 2016 | July 31, 2023 |
1994 The Best Clerk Award (Department of Otolaryngology, National Taiwan University Hospital)
2002 Three-year Overseas Scholarship (Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O. C)
2002 Best Research Article Award (Hospital Resident Category) (Taiwan Society of Internal Medicine, R.O.C.)
2010 The Best Oral Presentation Award of the Autumn Conference (The Endocrine Society and Diabetes Association of the R.O.C.)
2013 Excellent Article Award (The Endocrine Society and Diabetes Association of the R.O.C.)
2014 Excellence in Teaching Award (National Taiwan University)
2015 Excellence in Teaching Award (National Taiwan University)
2016 Excellent Article Award (The Endocrine Society and Diabetes Association of the R.O.C.)
2016 Medical Research Award (The New Century Health Care Promotion Foundation, Taiwan)
2016 Excellence in Teaching Award (National Taiwan University)
2016 Outstanding Research Award for Junior Faculty(National Taiwan University Hospital)
2024 Excellence in Teaching Award (National Taiwan University)