Taipei City
When National Taiwan University Hospital was established in 1895, our department was divided into two divisions- the first and second surgical division. The traditional Japanese pyramid structure of surgical training was adopted. After the restoration of Taiwan, Taiwanese surgeon professor Pang-Hsing Shus, Hsi-Yu Fang, and Chen-Jen Hsieh took charge and made great contributions in both medical and surgical services. Two surgical divisions were merged in 1950 under the lead of professor Tien-Cheng Kao, also the superintendent of NTUH. Many leaders in the field of surgery were nurtured during this time. This also catapulted our department to one of Taiwan’s surgical elites. In 1962, Professor Tien-Yu Lin became the chief of surgical department. He was renowned internationally for inventing the finger-fracture technique for hepatoma resection and Lin’s clamp. This encouraged innovation and established the international academic status of NTUH. The successors to the position of chairman professor, Professor Shu-Chien hsu, Professor Chi-Jen Hung, Professor Kai-Mo Chen, Professor Shu-Hsun Chu, Professor King-Jen Chang、Professor Po-Huang Lee and the chairman professor Yung-Chie Lee performed their leadership duties on a solid ground with perseverance, aggressive attitude, and both innovative and idealistic mind. This in turn inspired their colleagues to excel in the aspect of education, research, and clinical service.
【 Current Status】
The current chairman of the department is professor Hong-Shiee Lai. Vice chairman is associate professor Jin-Tung Liang. There are 63 full-time and 77 part-time attendings, 72 residents, and 21 paramedics in total serving in the 9 divisions of general surgery, colorectal surgery, pediatric surgery, cardiovascular surgery, thoracic surgery, neurosurgery, plastic surgery, lab. surgery and surgical intensive care. Each department, with a chairman leading the development of its division, provides complete and proper training for surgical trainees.
Our department currently has 354 general beds, 7 intensive care units with a total of 61 beds, a burn center, a hyperbaric oxygen center, and a cyberknife center, all offering great quality of patient care. Chairman Lee has also contributed to the establishment of the reference room of surgical literature and history on the eighth floor of the research building, as instilled more well-grounded knowledge in our surgeons. Each hospital ward has a small discussion room, and medium discussion rooms are available on the eighth and ninth floor of the research building and 9D ward. Thus, adequate space for all kinds of education and discussion was provided.
With the purpose to prevail the basic concept and practical application, our department provides education in all kinds of surgical disease in terms of diagnosis, surgical treatment, and postoperative care to medical students, clerks, interns, residents, fellows, and trainees from other hospitals or abroad. To cultivate the ability of logical analysis and problem-solving, group discussions, bedside teachings, morning meetings, morbidity and mortality conferences and various methods are used. Our department makes full use of the minimal invasive surgical training center and its facilities along with providing a variety of teaching activities, and hands-on experience to foster familiarity in a variety of surgical techniques and thus elevating the quality of care.
In respect of research, our department covers both clinical and basic fields and also leverages the resources from National Taiwan University for collaboration, enhancing the quality and quantity of our research year by year. We have 74 funded projects in the year 2008 with a total research funding of 104,063,679 New Taiwan Dollars. In addition, a total of 197 papers were published, of which 178 are SCI papers. All of the papers were above the standard, and each attending published 3 papers on average. The well-known research includes extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation, hepatocyte transplantation, lung cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, colorectal cancer, gastric cancer, etc. All colleagues are encouraged to pursue further in-service advanced education. Currently, there are 24 students in the Master’s or PhD program, 5 attendings studied in world renowned institutes in the United States and the United Kingdom, and 4 residents traveled to well known institutes in the United States and Japan for short-term rotation.
Each year, our department serves about 15,602 general ward patients, 3,001 intensive care unit patients, and provides approximately 115 out-patient clinics each month. In addition, our department dispatches colleagues to support the department of Integrated Diagnostics & Therapeutics and Health Management Center, endoscopic examination, abdominal ultrasonography and breast sonography. We have performed a total of 11,072 operations in 2008. Among these operations, microsurgery, transplantation surgery, reconstruction surgery and cardiac surgery were the most successful in Taiwan. Our department has been the pioneer in performing many various operations in Taiwan, including hepatic resection, cardiac surgery, renal transplantation, coronary artery bypass graft surgery, separation of conjoined twins and many others. We have also performed the first successful embolization of giant intracranial dural arteriovenous malformation in the world. As a visionary to the future, our goal is to hold on to our great tradition, while keeping innovating and providing high quality health care to people.
【Characters of Department of Surgery】
While carrying on the great surgical tradition, maintaining skillful surgical techniques, placing value on education, academic research, and medical ethics, we are devoted to promoting research and innovation, nurturing the surgical elites of Taiwan, and maintaining the leading status of Taiwan surgical society.
Surgery itself is an ever challenging science and art. Due to the evolving social environment and value, there is an absence of willingness for young doctors to devote themselves to such a high risk occupation. Our department will continue to demand the standard of our great surgical tradition, aiming for complete and equal training in medical education, academic research, and clinical service of our trainees. The department will offer residents a great learning environment in order to cultivate the future leaders for Taiwan surgical society. On the basis established by our predecessors, we will intensify our research in every aspect. For keeping pace with the international standard of surgical care, the new surgical treatment was inaugurated to aggressively promote the standard of surgical education, research, and treatment in Taiwan.
When National Taiwan University Hospital was established in 1895, our department was divided into two divisions- the first and second surgical division. The traditional Japanese pyramid structure of surgical training was adopted. After the restoration of Taiwan, Taiwanese surgeon professor Pang-Hsing Shus, Hsi-Yu Fang, and Chen-Jen Hsieh took charge and made great contributions in both medical and surgical services. Two surgical divisions were merged in 1950 under the lead of professor Tien-Cheng Kao, also the superintendent of NTUH. Many leaders in the field of surgery were nurtured during this time. This also catapulted our department to one of Taiwan’s surgical elites. In 1962, Professor Tien-Yu Lin became the chief of surgical department. He was renowned internationally for inventing the finger-fracture technique for hepatoma resection and Lin’s clamp. This encouraged innovation and established the international academic status of NTUH. The successors to the position of chairman professor, Professor Shu-Chien hsu, Professor Chi-Jen Hung, Professor Kai-Mo Chen, Professor Shu-Hsun Chu, Professor King-Jen Chang、Professor Po-Huang Lee and the chairman professor Yung-Chie Lee performed their leadership duties on a solid ground with perseverance, aggressive attitude, and both innovative and idealistic mind. This in turn inspired their colleagues to excel in the aspect of education, research, and clinical service.
【 Current Status】
The current chairman of the department is professor Hong-Shiee Lai. Vice chairman is associate professor Jin-Tung Liang. There are 63 full-time and 77 part-time attendings, 72 residents, and 21 paramedics in total serving in the 9 divisions of general surgery, colorectal surgery, pediatric surgery, cardiovascular surgery, thoracic surgery, neurosurgery, plastic surgery, lab. surgery and surgical intensive care. Each department, with a chairman leading the development of its division, provides complete and proper training for surgical trainees.
Our department currently has 354 general beds, 7 intensive care units with a total of 61 beds, a burn center, a hyperbaric oxygen center, and a cyberknife center, all offering great quality of patient care. Chairman Lee has also contributed to the establishment of the reference room of surgical literature and history on the eighth floor of the research building, as instilled more well-grounded knowledge in our surgeons. Each hospital ward has a small discussion room, and medium discussion rooms are available on the eighth and ninth floor of the research building and 9D ward. Thus, adequate space for all kinds of education and discussion was provided.
With the purpose to prevail the basic concept and practical application, our department provides education in all kinds of surgical disease in terms of diagnosis, surgical treatment, and postoperative care to medical students, clerks, interns, residents, fellows, and trainees from other hospitals or abroad. To cultivate the ability of logical analysis and problem-solving, group discussions, bedside teachings, morning meetings, morbidity and mortality conferences and various methods are used. Our department makes full use of the minimal invasive surgical training center and its facilities along with providing a variety of teaching activities, and hands-on experience to foster familiarity in a variety of surgical techniques and thus elevating the quality of care.
In respect of research, our department covers both clinical and basic fields and also leverages the resources from National Taiwan University for collaboration, enhancing the quality and quantity of our research year by year. We have 74 funded projects in the year 2008 with a total research funding of 104,063,679 New Taiwan Dollars. In addition, a total of 197 papers were published, of which 178 are SCI papers. All of the papers were above the standard, and each attending published 3 papers on average. The well-known research includes extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation, hepatocyte transplantation, lung cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, colorectal cancer, gastric cancer, etc. All colleagues are encouraged to pursue further in-service advanced education. Currently, there are 24 students in the Master’s or PhD program, 5 attendings studied in world renowned institutes in the United States and the United Kingdom, and 4 residents traveled to well known institutes in the United States and Japan for short-term rotation.
Each year, our department serves about 15,602 general ward patients, 3,001 intensive care unit patients, and provides approximately 115 out-patient clinics each month. In addition, our department dispatches colleagues to support the department of Integrated Diagnostics & Therapeutics and Health Management Center, endoscopic examination, abdominal ultrasonography and breast sonography. We have performed a total of 11,072 operations in 2008. Among these operations, microsurgery, transplantation surgery, reconstruction surgery and cardiac surgery were the most successful in Taiwan. Our department has been the pioneer in performing many various operations in Taiwan, including hepatic resection, cardiac surgery, renal transplantation, coronary artery bypass graft surgery, separation of conjoined twins and many others. We have also performed the first successful embolization of giant intracranial dural arteriovenous malformation in the world. As a visionary to the future, our goal is to hold on to our great tradition, while keeping innovating and providing high quality health care to people.
【Characters of Department of Surgery】
While carrying on the great surgical tradition, maintaining skillful surgical techniques, placing value on education, academic research, and medical ethics, we are devoted to promoting research and innovation, nurturing the surgical elites of Taiwan, and maintaining the leading status of Taiwan surgical society.
Surgery itself is an ever challenging science and art. Due to the evolving social environment and value, there is an absence of willingness for young doctors to devote themselves to such a high risk occupation. Our department will continue to demand the standard of our great surgical tradition, aiming for complete and equal training in medical education, academic research, and clinical service of our trainees. The department will offer residents a great learning environment in order to cultivate the future leaders for Taiwan surgical society. On the basis established by our predecessors, we will intensify our research in every aspect. For keeping pace with the international standard of surgical care, the new surgical treatment was inaugurated to aggressively promote the standard of surgical education, research, and treatment in Taiwan.