Intel-NTU Connected Context Computing Center
Parent Organization
Taipei City
Over the past two decades, by connecting people to each other, the internet has changed our lives enormously. Connecting a range of devices to each other can benefit several areas, such as energy conservation, intelligent transportation, health care, food production, environmental monitoring, guarding against terrorism, and creating smart living spaces. This network is called the Internet of Things (IOT), based on machine-to-machine (M2M) technology, as opposed to the current internet, which connects people to each other. The scale of the IOT/M2M internet will be several orders of magnitude larger, which poses serious challenges for researchers and industries over the coming decades. It is predicted that M2M technology will spark another information and communications technology (ICT) revolution based on the 15-year rule depicted in Figure 1. A report by Harbor Research predicts, "M2M will drive the largest organic growth opportunity in the history of business." However, M2M will bring new challenges when billions of devices are connected and able to interact with each other without human intervention. To address these challenges, Intel and NTU have jointly established a research center at the NTU campus called the Intel–NTU Connected Context Computing Center, which aims to explore new M2M technologies for the future. This initiative is supported by the National Science Council (NSC), as well as Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST.)