Anatomy and Cell Biology
Taipei City
The Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology is responsible for teaching gross anatomy, histology, embryology, and neuroanatomy courses for medical and dental students. Comprehensive anatomy and histology courses are also provided for the students of health sciences. Graduate programs were set up in 1969 and 1986, offering training courses leading to M.S. and Ph.D. degrees respectively, in anatomy and cell biology. Our graduate institute stresses the scientific education of graduate students and aims to provide them with broad experience in cell biology and neuroscience as a prelude to be basic medical educators as well as productive research scientists. The teaching staff includes 11 full-time and 6 part-time faculty members; all are academy competent in various areas. Recruiting promising young cell biologists and neuroscientists to join our faculty team is one of goals for the renaissance of our department.
The "Anatomy Classroom" (Department of Anatomy) was first established since this medical school founded in 1897 by the Japanese. After World War II, the mission of this department was mainly offered the basic training of anatomy for medical students. Our graduate programs were set up in 1969 and 1986 respectively offering training courses leading to M.S. and Ph.D. in anatomy and cell biology.
【Major Research Areas】
The Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology follows a multidisciplinary direction and will continue to raise the level of research standard to meet the contemporary trends in biomedical sciences and needs in Taiwan. Fields represented include Morphology, Neurobiology, Cell Biology and Molecular Biology. Current research interests are as follows: (1). The cell biology of the autonomic nervous system and taste bud. (2) Signaling pathway of lipolysis. (3) The molecular and cell biology of nerve regeneration and neurotransmitter receptors. (4) Neurobiology of peripheral nerve disorders: molecular genetics, pathology and mechanism. (5) The mechanisms of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and restenosis. (6) Neuronal cytoskeletons: molecular and cellular studies and transgenic approach. (7) The neuroscience research of the CNS injury. (8) The cell biology of cell adhesion molecules. (9) Cancer cell biology and vascular cell biology (10) Mechanism of neuropathic pain and plasticity.
【Teaching Programs】
The graduate courses encompass advanced technologies in neurobiology, cellular and molecular biology. Facilities for teaching and research are constantly being upgraded. All facilities are provided for studies in the fields of histology, neurobiology, cell biology and molecular biology. Major equipment includes light microscopes for various uses, transmission and scanning electron microscopes, laser scanning confocal microscope, ultramircotomes, cryostats, ultra-centrifuges, and cryoultramicrotome system. In addition, a tissue culture lab and an image analysis system have been established.Teachings on gross anatomy, histology, neuro-anatomy and embryology are supported by excellent teaching films, models, specimens and slides.
The Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology is responsible for teaching gross anatomy, histology, embryology, and neuroanatomy courses for medical and dental students. Comprehensive anatomy and histology courses are also provided for the students of health sciences. Graduate programs were set up in 1969 and 1986, offering training courses leading to M.S. and Ph.D. degrees respectively, in anatomy and cell biology. Our graduate institute stresses the scientific education of graduate students and aims to provide them with broad experience in cell biology and neuroscience as a prelude to be basic medical educators as well as productive research scientists. The teaching staff includes 11 full-time and 6 part-time faculty members; all are academy competent in various areas. Recruiting promising young cell biologists and neuroscientists to join our faculty team is one of goals for the renaissance of our department.
The "Anatomy Classroom" (Department of Anatomy) was first established since this medical school founded in 1897 by the Japanese. After World War II, the mission of this department was mainly offered the basic training of anatomy for medical students. Our graduate programs were set up in 1969 and 1986 respectively offering training courses leading to M.S. and Ph.D. in anatomy and cell biology.
【Major Research Areas】
The Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology follows a multidisciplinary direction and will continue to raise the level of research standard to meet the contemporary trends in biomedical sciences and needs in Taiwan. Fields represented include Morphology, Neurobiology, Cell Biology and Molecular Biology. Current research interests are as follows: (1). The cell biology of the autonomic nervous system and taste bud. (2) Signaling pathway of lipolysis. (3) The molecular and cell biology of nerve regeneration and neurotransmitter receptors. (4) Neurobiology of peripheral nerve disorders: molecular genetics, pathology and mechanism. (5) The mechanisms of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and restenosis. (6) Neuronal cytoskeletons: molecular and cellular studies and transgenic approach. (7) The neuroscience research of the CNS injury. (8) The cell biology of cell adhesion molecules. (9) Cancer cell biology and vascular cell biology (10) Mechanism of neuropathic pain and plasticity.
【Teaching Programs】
The graduate courses encompass advanced technologies in neurobiology, cellular and molecular biology. Facilities for teaching and research are constantly being upgraded. All facilities are provided for studies in the fields of histology, neurobiology, cell biology and molecular biology. Major equipment includes light microscopes for various uses, transmission and scanning electron microscopes, laser scanning confocal microscope, ultramircotomes, cryostats, ultra-centrifuges, and cryoultramicrotome system. In addition, a tissue culture lab and an image analysis system have been established.Teachings on gross anatomy, histology, neuro-anatomy and embryology are supported by excellent teaching films, models, specimens and slides.