Translation and Interpretation
Taipei City
The rapid production and dissemination of knowledge and information in the era of globalization has made life more challenging than ever before. A nation’s ability to overcome linguistic and cultural barriers and keep abreast of the latest developments around the globe depends on a thriving translation and interpreting industry. Translation and interpretation pedagogy is therefore of critical importance. Thus, in 2009, National Taiwan University launched the Undergraduate Program in Chinese-English Translation and Interpretation. The Graduate Program in Translation and Interpretation (GPTI) was founded three years later, in 2012. GPTI is multidisciplinary, open to applicants of various backgrounds with a high level of Chinese and English competence. Students will undergo a comprehensive training in translation and interpretation (T&I) skills, the latest T&I technology, and develop core competencies in self-selected specialties. GPTI consists of a translation track and an interpretation track, with equal emphasis on theory and practice in both tracks. The objectives of this program are: 1) to train students to think and express themselves bilingually, 2) to allow them to cultivate T&I specialties; 3) to broaden their intercultural and interdisciplinary horizons; and 4) to foster academic research in T&I. We at GPTI will continue to train outstanding translators, interpreters and T&I researchers, to enhance the overall quality of translating and interpreting in Taiwan, and to promote T&I as a profession and academic discipline. In our age of rapid technological advancement, translators and interpreters are needed in every discipline to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and information. As Taiwan’s flagship institution of higher education, National Taiwan University will give GPTI students unparalleled access to resources as they build expertise. As highly trained T&I practitioners with bilingual and bicultural competencies, graduates will be prepared to make valuable contributions to society.
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