Brain and Mind Sciences
Taipei City
The brain is a tool consisting of tens of billions of neurons and other cells. These cells transduce environmental stimuli into electrical signals, which then being processed to the behavioral outcomes. Individuals adjust their behaviors in response to different environmental cues whereas the alternation of our psychological process changes the physiological structure accordingly. The dynamic interaction between brain and mind leads to the uniqueness of human mind. Focusing on different levels of brain and mind, our institute aims at building up a comprehensive understanding of human mind.
The Graduate Institute of Brain and Mind Sciences was set up under the College of Medicine in 2011. This institute, along with the Center of Neurobiological and Cognitive Science at NTU main campus and the Clinical Center for Neuroscience and Behavior at NTU Hospital, forms a golden triangle that promotes the interdepartmental cooperation in NTU. Integrating the resources on campus, the core courses are offered in three major fields, namely Neurobiology, Cognitive Science and Clinical Neuroscience. We intend to accumulate faculties and students from diverse background and to break the traditional field boundaries via students’ interdisciplinary research topics.
Facilities are provided for researches in the fields of neurobiology, cell and molecular biology. Major equipment includes light microscopes, transmission and scanning electron microscopes, laser scanning confocal microscope, ultramircotomes, cryostats, ultra-centrifuges, cryoultramicrotome system and laser scanning confocal microscope. In addition, tissue culture labs and image analysis systems, are available for cell biology research. Teachings on neurobiology and cognitive psychology are supported by excellent computer-aided programs and slides.
The Graduate Institute of Brain and Mind Sciences is specialized in basic neurobiology, clinical neuroscience and cognitive science to students with medical, science and psychology backgrounds. We offer training programs leading to M.S. or Ph.D. degree in inter-disciplinary fields. A thesis and minimum of 24 credits are required for M.S. Most graduates will be participating in further research and related Ph.D. programs.
1.Required Courses : Master Thesis(1), Seminar(2), Neurobiology(3), Clinical Neurobiology (2), Cognitive Neuroscience (3)
2.Selective Courses :Brain Techology(3), Brain Imaging (2), Neurobiology of Aging (2), Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging(2)
Academic Activities:
The institute is active in inviting distinguished speakers from related research fields and sponsoring various workshops.
The brain is a tool consisting of tens of billions of neurons and other cells. These cells transduce environmental stimuli into electrical signals, which then being processed to the behavioral outcomes. Individuals adjust their behaviors in response to different environmental cues whereas the alternation of our psychological process changes the physiological structure accordingly. The dynamic interaction between brain and mind leads to the uniqueness of human mind. Focusing on different levels of brain and mind, our institute aims at building up a comprehensive understanding of human mind.
The Graduate Institute of Brain and Mind Sciences was set up under the College of Medicine in 2011. This institute, along with the Center of Neurobiological and Cognitive Science at NTU main campus and the Clinical Center for Neuroscience and Behavior at NTU Hospital, forms a golden triangle that promotes the interdepartmental cooperation in NTU. Integrating the resources on campus, the core courses are offered in three major fields, namely Neurobiology, Cognitive Science and Clinical Neuroscience. We intend to accumulate faculties and students from diverse background and to break the traditional field boundaries via students’ interdisciplinary research topics.
Facilities are provided for researches in the fields of neurobiology, cell and molecular biology. Major equipment includes light microscopes, transmission and scanning electron microscopes, laser scanning confocal microscope, ultramircotomes, cryostats, ultra-centrifuges, cryoultramicrotome system and laser scanning confocal microscope. In addition, tissue culture labs and image analysis systems, are available for cell biology research. Teachings on neurobiology and cognitive psychology are supported by excellent computer-aided programs and slides.
The Graduate Institute of Brain and Mind Sciences is specialized in basic neurobiology, clinical neuroscience and cognitive science to students with medical, science and psychology backgrounds. We offer training programs leading to M.S. or Ph.D. degree in inter-disciplinary fields. A thesis and minimum of 24 credits are required for M.S. Most graduates will be participating in further research and related Ph.D. programs.
1.Required Courses : Master Thesis(1), Seminar(2), Neurobiology(3), Clinical Neurobiology (2), Cognitive Neuroscience (3)
2.Selective Courses :Brain Techology(3), Brain Imaging (2), Neurobiology of Aging (2), Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging(2)
Academic Activities:
The institute is active in inviting distinguished speakers from related research fields and sponsoring various workshops.
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