黃天偉臺灣大學:電信工程學研究所王澤宇Wang, Che-YuChe-YuWang2010-07-012018-07-052010-07-012018-07-052009U0001-2707200913314900http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/188314近年來隨著無線通訊產業的蓬勃發展,微波頻帶已經趨近於飽和,為了追求更寬的頻譜來達到更快傳輸速率及高資料容量的傳輸,寬頻的毫米波頻段提供了解決此問題的途徑,毫米波無線通訊系統提供了相對於微波通訊系統寬頻的優點,為了達到高整合性,高效能,及低成本的電路設計,我們利用互補式金氧半導體(CMOS)製程來完成此電路設計。年來在行動裝置上搭載短距離高速無線傳輸系統已成為趨勢,進而對於此類產品的功耗要求越來越嚴格,所以如何設計一個低功率消耗的混頻器已成為一個重要的挑戰,在追求更高的傳輸速率上,除了擴展基頻的頻寬以外,利用更複雜的調變技術來提昇資料量的傳輸亦為一個方向,為了應付更為複雜的調變方式,高線性度的混頻器成為設計上的瓶頸,所以如何設計一個高線性度的混頻器亦成為一個重要的挑戰。論文的主題在於使用互補式金氧半導體(CMOS)製程來設計並實現各式的微波及毫米波頻帶的混頻器,研究的重點在於低功率消耗及線性度提昇的方法與架構的實現,論文主要可分為三部份,第一部份是描述一個低功率消耗之混頻器的設計,先從傳統的吉伯特單元混頻器(Gilbert-cell mixer)開始討論,然後介紹從基極饋入本地振盪訊號的混頻器架構(bulk-driven mixer)的優點,最後將其實現在台積電的0.13微米互補式金氧半導體製程上,其模擬結果和量測結果相近,可證實此種架構可成功的在毫米波段上實現。第二部份是描述高線性度的混頻器設計,先從線性器的架構討論開始,然後先完成吉伯特單元混頻器的設計,最後加上線性器來增加它的線性度,在加入線性器後,大幅改善了此混頻器的線性度,因此在低功率消耗的混頻器上加上線性器來提昇其線性度,進而達到低功率消耗高線性度的需求。外,在射頻收發機中,功率放大器往往需要較高的直流偏壓已達到足夠大的輸出功率,所以系統中常常需要額外提供一個偏壓來供應功率放大器使用,所以在本論文中,我們設計了一個低電壓設計的功率放大器,為了補足低電壓操作下不足的輸出功率,使用了功率結合的方法來提昇輸出功率,因此,我們設計了一個八路功率結合的變壓器。最後,我們將此電路實現在台積電的0.13微米互補式金氧半導體製程上,實現了一個38到44GHz輸出功率達到17.2dBm的功率放大器。其偏壓為1.5V可符合一般系統電壓規格。In recent years along with the wireless communication industry vigorous development, the microwave frequency band already drew close in saturated. In order to pursue a wider frequency band to achieve the faster transmission speed and the high data capacity transmission, the broadband millimeter wave frequency band provides the solution for this question. The millimeter wave wireless communication system provides the wide bandwidth. In order to achieve the high conformability, the high efficiency, and the low cost circuit design. We used the CMOS technology to complete this circuit design.n recent years, the short distance high speed wireless transmission system in the mobile device becomes tendency. There are more and more strict requirements for the power consumption of this kind product. Therefore, how to design a low power consumption mixer becomes an important challenge. For pursuing the higher transmission speed, besides expansion baseband frequency, we using a more complex modulation technology to promote the transmission quantity are a direction, too. In order to deal with a more complex modulation, the high linearity mixer becomes the bottleneck in the design. Therefore how to design a high linearity mixer becomes an important challenge.he thesis subject is using CMOS technology to design and to realize various types microwave and the millimeter wave mixers. The research is focus on the construction realization about low power consumption and the linearity enhancement method. The paper mainly may divide into three parts. The first part describes a mixer with a low power consumption design. Starting from the traditional Gilbert-cell mixer to discuss at first, and then introduce the merit of the bulk pumped local oscillation signal mixer construction. Finally we realize the chip from Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company’s 0.13 micrometer CMOS technology. The simulated result is agreed to the measured result. It may confirms that this kind of construction may succeed realizes in a millimeter-wave band. The second part describes the high linearity mixer design, starts from the linearity construction discussion, then completes the Gilbert-cell mixer design at first, ant then insert the linearizer to increase the linearity. After adding the linearizer, the linearity of the mixer improved largely. Therefore, adding linearizer in the low power consumption mixer to promote the linearity, then achieved the low power consumes and high linearity demand.oreover, in the radio frequency transceiver, the power amplifier often needs the high biasing voltage to achieve the large output power. Therefore we need to provide an extra bias voltage to supply the power amplifier. In the thesis, we design a low voltage power amplifier. In order to compensate the low voltage operation produced insufficient output power. The power combine method can be used to increase the output power. Therefore we had designed an eight-way power combiner transformer. Finally, we realize the chip from Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company’s 0.13 micrometer CMOS technology. This PA has 38 to 44GHz 3-dB bandwidth and a 17.2dBm output. Its may conform the general system voltage specification for 1.5V bias.Chapter 1 Introduction……………………………………..1.1 Motivation…………………………………………………………....1.2 Literature Survey…………………………………………………..…2.3 Contributions…………………………………………………………6.4 Chapter Outlines……………………………………………………...7hapter 2 Principle of RF Mixer…………………………..9.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………..9.2 Introductions of mixer……………………………………………….11.2.1 Operation mechanism………………………………………………………..11.2.2 Type of mixers……………………………………………………………….12.2.3 Performance parameters……………………………………………………..19hapter 3 Design of the Low Power Mixer…………...….24.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………24.2 Previous Works……………………………………………………..25.2.1 CMOS mixers………………………………………………………………25.2.2 Bulk-driven mixer principle………………………………………………..28.3 Circuit Design………………………………………………………29.4 Measurement Results……………………………………………….45.5 Summary……………………………………………………………52hapter 4 Design of the High Linearity Mixers………....53.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………53.2 Linearity Analysis…………………………………………………..54.3 Previous Works……………………………………………………..62.4 Circuit Design………………………………………………………66.5 Measurement Results……………………………………………….78hapter 5 Design of the Low Voltage Power Amplifier using Power Combine Technique………………………….…83.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………83.2 Paper Survey………………………………………………………..84.3 Circuit Design………………………………………………………88.4 Measurement Results……………………………………………….101.5 Summary…………………………………………………………...111hapter 6 Conclusions………………...…………………112eferences…………………………………………………….114ublications List……………………………………………...11810532828 bytesapplication/pdfen-US混頻器低功率線性化功率放大器mixerlow powerlinearitypower amplifier互補式金氧半導體毫米波低功率混頻器和功率結合功率放大器之研製Design of CMOS Low Power Mixer and Power Combining Power Amplifierthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/188314/1/ntu-98-R96942064-1.pdf