2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714786The Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine (the Institute) came into being in 1960-70. It achieved full department status in 1978 and is now the largest supplier of postgraduate clinical medicine teaching at the National Taiwan University, as well as having a thriving postgraduate community, with nearly 110 students and 80 students registered on PhD degree and Master degree, respectively. The Institute was founded by Professor Juei-Low Sung and other teaching faculties. Its research and teaching span the full breadth of the medical sciences. The aim of the Institute is to train clinical doctors with advanced medical skills both in research and clinical fields. The students of the Institute are expected to gain the independence of thought and develop the research work along their own lines. In addition, the students need to be open minded in order to analyze and explore significant medical issues with a view to be a future leader in the biomedicine profession, not only in Taiwan but also in the world. As of August 2012, there are 230 MD/ PhD and 233 M.M.S graduated from the Institute.1960-70年代,醫學界先耆前輩,尤其是內科宋瑞樓教授,鑒於我國醫學院師資缺乏,公立醫院缺乏指導年輕醫師進修之醫師教師,已有籌設臨床醫學研究所 之議。惟因是時諸多問題尚待解決,『臨床醫學研究所計畫草案』遂延至1976年方正式提報台大醫學院。經1976年8月6日 院務會議修改通過報校,後經本校1976學年度第一學期第一次教務會議修正通過,再提校務會議決議報教育部核准成立,並以推動整體臨床醫學發展,培育具專業科技臨床醫師,提升臨床各科醫學師資及質量並重之醫學研究為其成立宗旨。 為因應臨床醫學研究之迅速發展及分科日趨細密,經醫學院院務會議通過教學分組,並自1994學年度增加 錄取名額五名,共計十五名。1996年1月,教育部正式核准通過學籍分組,外科醫學組於焉誕生,以別於一般醫學組。 2000年本所響應醫學院及醫院政策,為提早讓住院醫師接受研究訓練,使research fellowship明朗化,並讓在職醫師多一進修管道,乃首次開辦「碩士在職進修專班」,利用假日及夜間上課,期望學生能了解臨床研究方法及醫學新知, 提高醫療水準。本所對碩士班及博士班要求標準在於前者著重於臨床研究方法的訓練,後者則嚴格要求兼知臨床與實驗室研究方法。 為擴充進修管道,臨床醫學研究所已於96學年招收全職一般生,報考資格包括醫學系七年級畢業生直攻博士班與非醫學系之碩士生來參與生物醫學研究,全時進修,以培養基 礎醫學為主的新銳,使其對臨床研究有足夠的了解,以促成基礎及臨床醫學之橋接,希望大家一起努力,提昇台灣的醫學研究水準,在國際上有一席之地。Clinical MedicineAcademic Institute