社會科學院: 新聞研究所指導教授: 林照真;倪炎元陳熙文Chen, Hsi-WenHsi-WenChen2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275055本報導從棋士的觀點出發,試圖以「人物」的角度去詮釋台灣職業圍棋的全貌。從棋士最早的職業經驗開始,歷經院生,學徒,到成功或者失敗,藉由受訪者在每一個階段的心理狀態,呈現台灣職業圍棋如何步上顛峰。 本報導分為三部分。 第一章到第四章講述從業餘到職業棋士的過程。透過初始階段的艱辛,失敗者的心路歷程,到頂尖棋士的煩惱,藉由不同的人物故事,說明台灣職業圍棋的現象與困境。 第五章和第六章則探討職業圍棋中的性別與科學面向。從女棋士的性別意識到電腦是否能取代人類智慧,除了梳理圍棋的文化脈絡,也討論圍棋的本質。 第七章和第八章則整理台灣職業圍棋的歷史,並對當今的職業圍棋制度和環境進行反思。 透過八個章節的整理,本文希望能強化民眾對台灣職業圍棋的認識,同時也留下真實記錄,作為未來傳承的基礎。Based on individual interviewing, this in-depth reporting intends to establish a clear picture of the Taiwan professional go. Starting with their earliest experience, the report describes their struggles as amateur players or as apprentices aboard and finally as professional players. The report follows their psychological stages to reveal how the professional go to the top. This report is divided into three sections. The first four chapters include the possible stages of an individual’s struggle of becoming a professional go player. It begins with their learning stages and goes on to describe the mindsets of those who fail to reach their goals. And finally the fourth chapter concludes with the intriguing psychology of top players. Through the stories of the observed, readers are expected to grasp the outlook and obstacles of Taiwan professional go. The fifth and sixth chapters turn on to discuss the gender and science perspectives of professional go, explaining the situation of female professional players and the challenge between the computer intelligence and human beings.. The last two chapters focus on the go history in Taiwan and offer a glimpse of the future. Through these eight chapters, the in-depth reporting intends to tell the stories of Taiwan professional go, not only providing a brief record but also a foundation that may pass on to future generations.3334577 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2017/8/25論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)圍棋職業棋士電腦圍棋台灣圍棋史goprofessional go playercomputer goTaiwan go history台灣職業圍棋–神乎其技之路Taiwan Professional Go - the Quest to the Topthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/275055/1/ntu-104-R00342026-1.pdf