2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714721<p> In 1981, NTU President Zhao-Zhong Yu proposed the idea that ideal education should be liberal and well-round, and the Group for General Education was therefore established. According to NTU Affairs Meeting in 1992, the Planning Croup of General Education was formed to plan the courses for general and liberal education while the Curriculum Planning Commission was established in 1994. Afterwards, the functional mission-grouping the General Education Commission was founded in the following year, and was reformed as the General Education Center. General Education Curriculum Planning Commission, which belongs to General Education Center, was still in charge of planning courses for general education. In April 1996, the Commission for General Education (CGE) was established to promote and administer general and liberal education and other related matters. In 2006, Commission for General Education was again reformed as the Center for General Education, and became an independent academic organization instead of administrative organization.</p><p> <span style="line-height:1.5;">在戰後臺灣高等教育史上,通識教育作為大學教育改革的理想,一直是許多大學教育工作者致力的方向,本校自民國70年虞兆中教授出任校長時,便提出「通才教育」作為辦學的理念,他說:「由於在大學執教多年,有感於目前大學教學過偏於專業課程,學生追求考試分數的興趣太高所致。不少學生既無意於接觸多方面的知識,亦疏於人生價值思考。因此對於個人的時空定位,以及所賦予的使命感和責任感,缺乏嚴肅的體認。」這段話是虞前校長提倡通才教育的立意。最近十餘年來,包括本校在內的國內許多大學教育工作者於通識教育的推動不遺餘力。再從宏觀的角度來看,人類社會發展到二十世紀末,許多矛盾、對立的問題變得十分嚴重而複雜,但是狹隘的專業訓練及單向的思維,難以反省並處理如此複雜、深刻的問題,因此大學通識教育,可以提供較為廣博而均衡的學習內容,並引導、啟發學生對於其他學科的入門與興趣,以培養較宏觀的知識基礎與獨立思辯的能力。</span></p>Others: Center for General Education