生物資源暨農學院: 農業經濟學研究所指導教授: 雷立芬林庭安Lin, Ting-AnTing-AnLin2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275802本研究主要探討有色肉雞全面實施電宰後生產者與運輸業者(含電宰業者)的經營上遇到的困難,以期提供業者能夠符合現代法令之經營方式建議,且有助於施政單位將電宰制度更加完善的建議。本研究運用五力分析以及深度訪談,進行研究。針對飼養戶進行五力分析,發現業者面臨強大之競爭,如果不能有效控制飼料成本以及掌握種雞來源,和下游運輸業者的議價力會相對薄弱。這樣的現象顯示未來必將有利大規模的飼養戶的發展。至於運輸業者,其主要的競爭威脅來自食品公司。因其若要拓展產品線而建立自有之有色肉雞供應鏈,只要和飼養戶契養便可向上整合,再往下游更是輕易。 有色肉雞面對白肉雞的競爭威脅,生產者如果不能以建立品牌方式,並且配合「地產地消」的策略有效區隔市場,仍將難以突破困境。但是發展品牌必須規模夠大,因此食品公司不但是運輸業者的主要威脅,也同時是生產者的威脅。農委會針對有色肉雞推動之「地產地消」政策,除鼓勵生產者建立無毒之安全生產模式外,更鼓勵發展產、製、銷一體的供應鏈經營模式。不管以飼養戶為中心向上、下游整合,或以運輸業者為中心向上、下游整合,都會面臨資金以及契養合約訂定之相關法律問題。其次在品牌建立與行銷通路的開拓,更需要專業輔導與協助。因此政府部門的介入將是攸關產業興衰的重要關鍵。The study mainly discusses the impacts of electric slaughter on colorful broiler suppliy chain including producers, slaughters, and transportation. The study uses The Five Force Analysis and the depth interview to fulfill the objectives. The results of five force analysis have shown that highly comprativeness among producers. Therefore, producers have to control feed costs and the sources of breeders effectively, in order to increase the bargaining power when negocitat with downstream traders. This kind of phenomenon reveals a large-scale development to breeders in the future. About to transporation business traders, the food companies are their main competitive threats. Once they build up their own supply chain of colorful broiler because they want to expand their production line, they can intergrate with breeders or the transportation business traders. If producers can not use the way to build a brand, dorking will be a big threat to coloeful broiler. In addition, if producers can not make a market segment, it will be very difficult to breakthrough. Developing a brand should be large-scale, thus, the food company is not only the main threat to the transportation business traders but also to the producers. The Concil of Agricilture promotes the policy about “local consumption” to encourage producers to establish a non-toxic safety mode. Moreover, it encourages the supply chain about produce, manufacture and market in one. No matter the breeders or the transportation business traders, they both might meet legal issues about funds and contracts. Also, building a brand and expanding marketing needs some professional assistance. Therefore, the government is the key to the industry rise and fall.論文使用權限: 不同意授權有色肉雞電動屠宰供應鏈五力分析Colorful broilerElectric slaughterSupply chainFive force analysis全面電宰對有色肉雞供應鏈之影響Impacts of Electric Slaughter on Colorful Broiler Supply Chainthesis10.6342/NTU201601644