簡怡雯Chien , Yi-Wen臺灣大學:商學研究所謝宜佩Hsieh, Yi-PeiYi-PeiHsieh2010-06-012018-06-292010-06-012018-06-292008U0001-1207200820580400http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/184470本研究主要探討消費者在進行產品判斷與決策時,是否會因為涉入(包含動機與能力)的不同而產生自發性的偏誤修正行為。異於過去學者的研究多半專注於探討個別情境因素對於修正行為與修正方向的影響,本研究針對「修正行為」本身提供了較根源性的探討。本文主張偏誤修正行為包含兩個部分:「偏誤定義」與「修正執行」,且這兩個部分皆包含有不同的動機與能力,消費者需要足夠的動機與能力才能產生「偏誤定義」行為或進行「修正執行」。儘管這兩部分所需的動機與能力不相同,但是本文研究證明:修正執行的動機因子涵蓋了偏誤定義的動機因子,因此即是在缺乏偏誤定義的動機因子情境下,只要消費者本身擁有足夠的偏誤定義能力與修正執行動機,則消費者仍然可以產生偏誤定義行為(換言之,消費者可以成功辨識偏誤)。本研究更進一步推論出,只要消費者同時具有偏誤定義能力、修正執行動機與修正執行能力三項因素,消費者即可產生偏誤修正行為,偏誤定義動機的影響相對較弱。此外,本實驗捨棄採用過去常見的「指導語」作法,透過動機因子的操弄來影響消費者自發性修正行為的產生與否,如此的作法更能貼近真實產品判斷情境。The current study is aimed to investigate the underlying mechanism of consumers’ bias correction behavior. Different from previous correction studies which used to focus on the influence of context to correction direction and behavior, the present research tries to decompose the correction behavior and proposes that it can be divided into two processes: “bias identification” and “correction execution.” Furthermore, it is emphasized that not only the motivation and the ability generated in the former process are not the same as those in the latter process, but also the motivation of correction execution can replace the motivation of bias identification, whereas the ability of correction execution and the ability of bias identification cannot replace each other. Hence, it is predicted consumers who possess not only the motivation of bias identification/ motivation of correction execution but also the ability of bias identification can identify the bias more easily than others who don’t possess those. And the self-activated correction behaviors would be observed only when people are aware of the operating bias and also have the ability and the motivation of correction execution.謝詞 I要 IIBSTRACT IIIHAPTER 1 STUDY PURPOSE 1HAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 4.1 Context effect: Assimilation and Contrast 4.2 Correction Models 6.3 Country of Origin Image 12HAPTER 3 PROPOSED THEORY AND HYPOTHESES 14.1 Theory Foundation 14.2 Hypotheses 19HAPTER 4 EXPERIMENT 23.1 Experimental Design 23.2 Sampling Method and Participants 26.3 Procedure 28.4 Independent Variables 30.5 Dependent Measures 32HAPTER 5 RESULTS 36.1 Manipulation Checks 36.2 Dependent Variables 46HAPTER 6 GENERAL DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 57.1 Conclusion 57.2 Study Contribution 60.3 Limitations 63.4 Future Research 65EFERENCE 66PPENDIX Questionnaire In Main Experiment 70application/pdf1151610 bytesapplication/pdfen-US偏誤修正行為偏誤修正偏誤定義修正執行動機能力bias correction behaviorbias correctionbias identificationcorrection executionmotivationability消費者對產品判斷的自發性修正行為:偏誤定義與修正執行The Effects of Consumers'' Self-activated Corrective Behavior on Product Judgments: Bias Identification and Correction Executionthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/184470/1/ntu-97-R95741017-1.pdf