2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/715786Center for Complementary and Integrated Medicine Misscons of CIM Center in the current stage 【The preliminary missions focus on the following two major specific aims】 1. Counseling for the efficacy and safety issues of using Chinese herbs and botanicals as complementary medicines in patients with malignant diseases and chronic pain illness. 2. Investigation for the effective complementary or alternative regimens to improve the life quality of cancer and chronic pain illness For achieving the above specific aims, the strategy will be adjusted in an appropriate time to fulfill the principle of integrated medical care. 【Background】 iseases are the major threatens to human health not only by causing discomfort but affectingquality of life.Particularly,for the patients suffering from cancer and chronic pain illness should face both physical and psychological pains that lead to poor life quality and even hopeless in the future.The current traditional medical cares are undoubtedly quite effective to overcome the physical pain.However,these medications still do not satisfy the requirements of patients and their families.It is true that a lot of non-traditional or folk medicines remain existence for thousands of years among different peoples in the world since ancient age.Even in the wild world, ill animals and creatures seek for botanical medicines from surrounding environments to facilitate recovery, but not just waiting for natural healing. The scientists had observed that African chimpanzees can change diet contents and search certain unique botanicals by way of ancestor's experiences to facilitate healing of illness. Unfortunately, it is true that the scientific basis of these non-traditional or folk regimens is almost insufficient. However, the quality of life is really improved by these non-traditional regimens used as supplementary to the traditional medical care. The is a real world practice and we have to face the situation proposed by Dr. Panush that "Probably, we dislike and disagree with it, but we can not neglect it." Nation Institute of Health in USA decided to fund "Office for Alternative Mddicine" and appointed a Counseling Committee to discuss the feasibility of the applications of non-traditional therapy in chronic illness in 1991. Finally, "Nation Center of Complementary and Alternative Medicine(NCCAM)" was fully supported by the government to investigate the efficacy and adverse affects of these non-traditional regimens in the world in 1998. A team leading by our former superintendent Fan-Yi Lin and deputy superintendent Hon-Nun Ho visited MD Anderson Cancer Center and 2 other reputational cancer hospitals in Nov. 2007. They are quite impressed by the great achievements in pain relief by using complementary medicines in their "Complementary Medical Center" of the respective hospital. These facts motivated our leadership decided to establish a similar center in this hospital. For showing the difference, our center is formally named"Center for Complementary and Integrative Medical Center " (abbreviated as CIM center) after long-term discussion in the 2nd preparatory meeting in March, 2008. Our main purpose is to emphasize the importance of "complementary" and "integrated" treatment provided by different disciplines to improve life quality of the patients with disastrous diseases, especially cancer and chronic pain illness.【成立緣由】 有人類就有疾病,有疾病就有病痛,有病痛就會影響生活品質。尤其是罹患癌症或是慢性疼痛性疾病的患者,除了身體的病痛之外,心理的煎熬與無助會重大影響其生活品質。正統的醫病方式對疾病所引起的疼痛已有良好的效果,但是仍無法全然滿足患者及其家屬的期待。無疑的,世界各民族自古以來就各自發展其民俗療法。甚至在自然界中各種生物當生病或受傷時,除了順其自然地療傷止癒之外,也會〝求醫問藥〞。 科學家們早就發現非洲黑猩猩會透過改變飲食,或食用遠古祖先經驗所流傳下來的特殊草本來治療疾病。雖然大部分的這些〝民間藥〞都缺乏科學證據證明其藥效。但是中、外也有很多慢性病患者從這些輔助性的〝民俗療法〞中獲得生活品質的改善。有一位學者正視這一個現實問題提出如下的說帖:〝也許我們不喜歡,也許我們不贊成,但我們不能忽視它〞。 1991年美國的國家衛生研究院設立了〝另類療法辦公室〞及諮議委員會來研究非正統治療的可行性。1998年成立了〝國立輔助暨另類療法中心〞(NCCAM),以研究各項非傳統性治療方法的有效性及其副作用。 2007年11月林芳郁院長、何弘能副院長率團訪問美國極負盛名的MD.Anderson等三家癌症專門醫院,發現其設置的癌症治療或術後緩解疼痛的輔助性醫療中心漸趨成熟,更驅使本院推動成立本中心的動力,經二次籌備會議的冗長討論及交換意見,正名為〝輔助暨整合醫學中心〞(Center for Complementary & Integrated Medicine,CCIM),以彰顯本中心的獨特性。 【基本任務】 1. 提供癌症及慢性疼痛疾病患者有關中、草藥的效益及安全用藥諮詢。 2. 研究減緩患者病痛的輔助性療法藉以提昇其生活品質。 以後將視其需要再作長期規劃,以達整合性醫療之目的。Center for Complementary and Integrated Medicine