臺灣大學: 建築與城鄉研究所林建元謝仕煌Hsieh, Shih-HuangShih-HuangHsieh2013-03-212018-06-292013-03-212018-06-292012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/249319綠建築評估指標在世界各先進國家已經陸續發展,但目前本國之綠建築評估指標僅針對新建建築物範圍,從建築生命週期評估建築物在建築生命週期之日常使用階段可達數十年,在期間須透過整建維護始得讓建築物使用更長久,另因北高兩市既有建築物數量每年持續增加,正是建築物生命週期所面臨之整建維護階段,倘此階段無法妥適研擬既有建築物整建維護之全方面的議題檢討,對追求永續發展而言,是一項極大不利因素。以現階段而言,政府無相關政策引導情形下,很難樂見建築物整建維護後之成果能真正符合現行及未來潮流之綠建築,進而讓這些既有建築物失去一次轉變的機會,故本研究如何有效的建立綠建築補助應用於既有建築物整建維護之評估指標實為重要。 本研究先透過綠建築相關文獻之回顧,歸納與整理評估指標,以模糊數學理論結合德爾菲法及層級分析法,進行第一階段專家問卷,並且篩選部份評估指標,後續並以第二階段專家問卷調查法方式,完成評估指標之權重,並且利用三個案例完成操作,並且完成補助優先順序。本研究目的在於以綠建築之方向,研擬出具公部門未來在綠建築補助建築物整建維護運用之評估指標體系,藉以瞭解公部門現行在補助政策上所面臨之問題,並且提出改善與建議。研究結果得知,評估指標系統共分為「環境安全性」、「區位優先性」、「人文歷史、社會經濟、文化」、「自然資源與能源使用」、「環境品質」、「資源消耗與利用」、「永續營運管理」、「創新設計」等八大類原則及30項評估指標,其中並以「環境安全性」為最高,「自然資源與能源使用」次之,「創新設計」為最低,顯示出目前在建築物整建維護仍較重視環境安全之層面;另外,建築物則以使用強度較高且座落於區為優先性地區較容易獲得補助。 本研究成果可做為公部門綠建築補助建築物整建維護政策之操作,未來將可透果本研究之評估指標架構配合相關政策推動,持續強化評估指標項目中之內容及權重,將使綠建築補貼政策應用於建築物整建維護之評估有永續性之發展及助益。後續研究公部門制度面之問題及檢討除了環境性外更應兼顧未來性、公平性與民眾參與性,政府補貼應考量申請區域、規模效益、補貼金額、申請人收入外,應宣導及增強民眾對維護建築物之重要性;在研究方法上應事先擬定更適當之人選專家學者推薦或互相推薦,以解決評估指標先天不足之處;評估指標之計算單位應盡可能簡單化,減少指標之內部不確定性,並先針對專家學者對於評估指標之瞭解與共識先行訪談並且溝通,以避免專家學者對評估指標之認知不同。Assessment indicators of Green building have been developing decades in the world, but it is only use for new construction in Taiwan, we know that life cycle assessment of buildings in the using stage is up to several decades, and shall be maintained through the rehabilitation to make building used long time. Due to the quantity of existing building, which is most located in to Taipei and Kaohsiung city, is more and more adding every year, and must be maintained in this stage in order to extend the life cycle of building. If there is no assessment method to check these buildings, it isn’t a positive factor to sustainability. At the moment, due to without policy to guide how to assessment the existing building renovation and maintenance, it is hard to make it transfer into green building. So it is very important to study green building subsidy for building rehabilitation and maintenance. After reviewing relative research of green building, I summarized assessment indicators, this study employed Fuzzy Theory combined with Fuzzy Delphi Method and Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchical Process to practice the procedure of the two-stage questionnaire survey into experts’ opinion, and using three cases to operate which one is the best. The purpose of this study is by the direction of green building assessment indicators to realize the problems of government’s current subsidies policy, and proposed improvements and recommendations. As a results of this study, the assessment indicators is divided into "environmental security", "regional priority", "cultural history and socio-economic”, “materials and resources", "environmental quality", "resource consumption and use”, “innovation design” of the eight categories of principles and the 30 assessment indicators. The highest one of assessment indicator is "environmental security", and the second one is "natural resources and energy use", the lowest one is “innovation design”. It shows that the key point of existing building maintenance is still environmental security, and the building which located in higher intensity of use and priority areas is easier to obtain the subsidy by government. The results of study can be used by government to evaluate green building renovation to future policy that can be also combined with the relevant policies to promote, continuing to resupply the credits of assessment indicators in the future, and it will make green building subsidy policies used in the assessment of sustainable development. If study in the future, should realize the issues not only the environment but also futurity, equality and public participation, and should consider the area, economies of scale, amount of subsidy, income of applicant and citizen, educating citizen what an important to maintain building is. And then, it should establish the experts list of candidates in advance to resolve the inherent weaknesses of assessment indicators, and as simple as possible to avoid uncertainty of assessment indicators, which should be offered for experts to realize by interview before questionnaire survey, avoiding the difference between experts and assessment indicators.2415386 bytesapplication/pdfen-US綠建築既有建築物整建維護經費補助評估指標Green buildingExisting buildingBuilding maintenanceSubsidy, Assessment indicators[SDGs]SDG7[SDGs]SDG10[SDGs]SDG12綠建築補助運用於建築物整建維護之研究A Study of Green Building Subsidy for Building Rehabilitation and Maintenancethesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/249319/1/ntu-101-R97544017-1.pdf