2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714848Photonics and optoelectronics have become key technologies in the new century for display, lighting, communication, storage, sensing, and biomedical applications. With the demands of energy saving, explosive use of Internet, high quality displays, multimedia entertainment, and improved medical care, the development and application of photonics and optoelectronics technology have become the indicators of living standards and economic power of a modern society. The Institute will continue to provide high-quality graduate education in photonics and to enhance cooperation with other institutions both within and outside Taiwan. The educational goal of GIPO is to provide quality education to students who will work in photonics- and optoelectronics-related areas in the future. The training emphasizes not only fundamental knowledge, but also the most updated technologies. GIPO offers more than fifty graduate-level elective courses relevant to photonics. GIPO participates in university-wide teaching evaluations to ensure competitive course quality. The research topics of the faculty in GIPO cover a broad spectrum of photonics and optoelectronics technologies, including (1) Display technologies: liquid crystal displays (LCD), design and fabrication of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) displays, poly-Si and amorphous thin film transistors for LCD and OLED display, projector techniques, and optical MEMS for display applications. (2) Energy technologies: solid-state lighting, solar cells, wide-band-gap semiconductors, novel materials and nanostructures for light-emitting devices. (3) Nano-technologies: semiconductor quantum dots, photonic crystals, surface plasmonic crystals, and nm-scale measurements, nano-structures for solar cells. (4) Nonlinear-optics technologies: nonlinear photonic crystals, wavelength conversion, and micro-structure optics. (5) Optical fiber communication technologies: active and passive fiber-based devices, and modules and subsystems in optical fiber communications. (6) Optoelectronic devices: LiNbO3 waveguides, silicon-photonics, laser diodes and amplifiers, photo-detectors, waveguide devices, optical MEMS devices, and numerical modeling techniques. (7) Bio-photonic technologies: bio-sensing, bio-photonic instrumentation, optical coherence tomography, harmonic imaging, and THz imaging.沿革本所前身為電機所光電組。民國81 年8 月本所奉准成立,設置碩士班,隸屬於工學院,由張宏鈞教授擔任第一任所長。本所成立後,原電機所光電 組碩士班研究生轉由本所招生。民國84 年8 月本所增設博士班,光電組博士班研究生亦轉由本所招生。 民國86 年8 月1 日本校成立電機學院,本所改隸電機學院。民國89 年8 月1 日電機學院更名為電機資訊學院。光電本質上是跨領域的學科,其多元化也帶來了廣闊的學術與應用空間,因此,推動國際學術交流及產學合作,是本所之重要方向。對學生之培育除專業技能之外,亦積極培養其領袖能力與風範。光電所在有限資源下,學術研究成果卓越,受到國際學界肯定,且配合企業推動大型合作計畫,研發新技術,帶動國內產業界的發展。研究領域本所師資優良,研究包含以下幾項領域: (1) 顯示科技:液晶顯示、有機發二極體、顯示用多晶矽薄膜電晶體及顯示用光微機電元件等研究。 (2) 能源科技:太陽能電池、固態照明等研究。 (3) 光纖通訊:主動及被動光纖元件、光通訊模組及次系統、及編碼多工光傳輸系統等研究。 (4) 電腦輔助光電數值方法研究:光波導結構研究、光電元件及生醫影像模擬、及光子晶體特性等研究。 (5) 生醫光電:生物感測、生醫儀器、同調光學斷層掃瞄及非侵入式光學顯微鏡等研究。 (6) 各類光電子及電子元件:寬能隙半導體及奈米結構、含鎳及錫之鈮酸鋰光波導、氮化銦、量子點發光元件、寬頻光放大器、互補式金氧半導體光電元件、三維光子晶體及氮化物半導體等研究。 本所現有專任教師27 人(教授24 人,副教授2人,助理教授1 人),特聘研究講座4人。Photonics and OptoelectronicsAcademic Institute