法律學院: 法律學研究所指導教授: 劉宗榮; 汪信君傅竑維Fu, Hong-WeiHong-WeiFu2017-03-032018-07-052017-03-032018-07-052016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273259責任保險具有風險移轉之功能,將原應由加害人(即被保險人)給付之賠償責任轉由保險人負擔,故責任保險制度設計之初即以保護被保險人利益為考量,惟隨著社會發展日益複雜,以及民事侵權責任採取越趨嚴格之歸責原則,受害人之損失填補問題益顯重要。因此,責任保險應不僅具備有填補被保險人損失之功能,亦應逐漸重視對於受害人之保護功能。惟任意責任保險與強制責任保險,因兩者之投保目的有所不同,對於被保險人與被害人之保護程度即明顯有別,也影響其相關法律制度設計。 又被害人與被保險人之利益保護,與「被害人能否直接請求保險給付」,以及「保險人在賠償確定過程中之參與或介入」息息相關,因此,本文主要圍繞在「被害人之直接訴權」與「保險人參與權及和解同意權」之行使等相關問題,並藉由參酌各國立法、學說及實務發展,對於我國現行責任保險制度設計之良窳進行剖析。 本文乃先於第二章說明責任保險制度之設計,協助掌握責任保險現今發展趨勢。並於第三章說明直接請求權之必要行及立法目的,又現行「直接請求權」制度,係為突破債之相對性所衍生之「分離原則」,考量責任保險契約仍為損害填補契約,本文認為任意責任保險之被害人欲對保險人直接請求保險給付,須「被保險人對第三人之賠償責任確定」,而強制責任保險,為強化損害填補效果,則不以賠償責任確定為必要。至於保險契約相關抗辯事由、消滅時效等主張,是否影響其直接請求權之行使,亦將因係任意責任保險與強制責任保險而有不同。 再者,第四章將說明有關賦予保險人訴訟、和解參與權之權利,其初衷係為保障保險人利益,使其即早參與責任關係之確定,協助被保險人確認賠償金額之合理性,保險人行使該權利即應兼顧被保險人利益。又為解決保險人和被保險人可能之利益衝突,實務運作上有必要對保險人權利做出適當條件之限制,或課予其相對應之義務(如適當和解義務、訴訟費用支出等),並在保險人不合理拒絕參與或和解時,有效解決後續保險理賠問題。另外,在強制責任保險方面,對於上開和解同意權思考角度應有所不同,本文亦以強制汽車責任保險為例進行探討。 第五章提出本文結論,統整本文對於前揭爭議問題之看法,並對於保險實務提出可行作法。Liability Insurance was originally designed to protect “the insured” from the risks of liabilities imposed by other claims, but with the economic development and began gradually to adopt the doctrine of strict liability in tort, more and more people realize that “the victim” get compensation from insurance payment is more important than before. Thus, modern liability insurance not only for making up “the insured” financial loss, but ensures the victim to get enough compensation. Nevertheless, the fundamental purpose of commercial liability insurance is different from mandatory liability insurance which may impact on the protection of victims and the insured under liability insurance. In order to discuss the issue in respect of “the protection of victims and the insured under liability insurance”, this thesis decide to focus on third party’s direct action and insurer’s participation, and refer to foreign laws, legal theories and case studies to find flexible ways to improve our domestic liability insurance system. The third party’s direct action represents a breakthrough in the exceptional principle of separation which is under the principle of relativity of contracts. However, liability insurance is also called indemnity insurance;The third party (the victim) established the insured’s liability before it could pursue its claim directly against the insurer is necessary. On the contrary, in order to reinforce the protection of victims under the mandatory liability insurance, victims need not to establish the insured''s liability in the beginning. Moreover, how to deal with the insurer’s defense (including the Statute of limitations) based on insurance policy is a problem. In other words, when the insured is liable for the third party, the insurer has to provide indemnity to the insured. That is, the insurance companies need to participate and be involved in the process of the third party’s claims. However, the participation of the insurer is not only a right but also a duty. In order to balance the interests between the insurer and the insured, it is necessary to establish the standard of the insurer''s participation, and the insurer also has a duty to agree that the insured had reached a reasonable settlement.2446818 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2019/8/30論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)任意責任保險強制責任保險直接請求權保險人參與權和解同意權the insuredmandatory liability insurancethe proection of the victimdirect actionreasonable settlement[SDGs]SDG8責任保險之被害人與被保險人保護-以直接訴權與參與權為核心The Research on the Protection of Victims and Insured under Liability Insurance-Focusing on Third Party’s Direct Action and Insurer Participationthesis10.6342/NTU201602879http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/273259/1/ntu-105-R99a21104-1.pdf