臺灣大學: 電信工程學研究所林怡成陳彥池H.Chen, RichardRichardH.Chen2013-03-272018-07-052013-03-272018-07-052010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/253110本論文提出一種以微帶線饋入之微型開槽偶極天線設計,主要是利用其槽孔內所增加的C形金屬環,可同時達到天線尺寸縮小以及雙頻的特性。C型金屬環主要是用作電感性負載以增強慢波效應,便能有效縮短等效傳播波長以及天線所需的共振長度。本論文對於C形金屬環在槽孔天線內的物理機制及其大小、相對位置皆有進一步的探討,並歸納出有效利用此C型金屬環達到最佳縮小化的方法。除了可使天線尺寸縮小之外,此C型金屬環亦提供了在原本開槽偶極天線以外的匹配低點,使得整體天線的頻寬可適用於無線區域網路所規範的雙頻頻段。利用C型金屬環可將槽孔天線縮小化的優點,本論文亦提出一應用在多重輸入多重輸出系統中的四埠開槽分集天線。從結果顯示此天線同時具有極化及場型分集的良好特性。對於此分集天線的系統表現亦有進一步的數據探討,包括相關係數、平均有效增益、以及有效分集增益。In this thesis, a miniaturized design of microstrip-fed slot antennas is presented. By adding C-shaped rings inside the slot, the antenna size is reduced and dual-band characteristic may also be obtained. The C-shaped rings are used as inductive loadings to enhance the slow-wave effects leading to the effective propagation wavelength and the required antenna resonant lengths can be shorten. The mechanism, location in the slot, and dimensions of C-shaped rings are extensively studied and the optimization is made to effectively reduce the antenna size. Besides antenna size reduction, the C-shaped rings can produce an additional impedance-matched deep so that the impedance bandwidth can cover the dual-band specification of IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n. Taking advantage of size reduction by using C-shaped rings in slot antennas, a four-element open-slot diversity antenna for MIMO system application is also proposed. It shows good pattern and polarization diversity characteristics. The system performances are studied by calculating the correlation coefficients, mean effective gains, and effective diversity gains.3631981 bytesapplication/pdfen-US微型天線開槽天線多重輸入多重輸出系統分集天線miniaturized antennaslot antennaMIMO systemdiversity antenna微帶線饋入開槽天線之微型設計與MIMO系統之應用Miniaturized Design of Microstrip-Fed Slot Antennas for MIMO System Applicationsthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/253110/1/ntu-99-R97942067-1.pdf