國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系暨研究所助理教授Assistant Professor, Department and Graduate Institute of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University陳書梅2017-09-082018-05-302017-09-082018-05-302001-12http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/282268近年來,圖書館為了提升服務品質,在圖書館行政管理上已漸引用企業界策略規劃、品質評估等觀念與作法,至於引進變遷加強圖書館對環境之適應等相關主題──企業組織的創新行為研究──則尚少觸及。觀諸企業界已然深知組織的創新行為乃是企業生存與永續發展的依據,面對快速變遷的環境,圖書館實可參考企業界的研究結果,加強創新,提升與改善館員工作生活品質,進而達到圖書館卓越服務品質之目標。基於此,本文擬探討關於創新的涵義、種類與模式及各種要素的配合,並導出創新行為對圖書館組織的重要性與成功之鑰。To enhance the quality of library and information service, libraries have borrowed from business theory and practice in planning and evaluating library services. However, an area of business theory that has received relatively little attention in library science is organizational innovation. Reports in the business literature provide evidence that innovation is essential for both development and survival. In increasingly unstable times of rapidly changing information technology, libraries must use the literature of innovation as well as that of planning and evaluation to shape better libraries. This paper explores key issues related to innovation in libraries including the nature, the barriers, and the ways to adopt and implement innovative strategies successfully.創新,創新擴散,變遷,官僚組織,Innovation,Diffusion of innovation,Change,Bureaucratic Organization圖書館組織之創新行為The Adoption of Innovations in Library Organizationsjournal articledoi: 10.6182/jlis.2001.16.145