生命科學院: 漁業科學研究所指導教授: 廖文亮黃淮Huang, HuaiHuaiHuang2017-03-062018-07-062017-03-062018-07-062016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/276809本篇研究探討飼料中直接添加靈芝菌絲體培養基與80 %乙醇萃取靈芝菌絲體培養基之萃取物兩種方式分別以不同劑量飼育六周對青魚成長、免疫效果以及血液指標的影響。 飼料直接添加組分別添加靈芝培養基0%、0.75%、1.25 %、2.5 %、5%及80 %乙醇萃取添加組分別添加靈芝培養基0%、0.75 %、1.25%、2.5%。使用平均體重為13.03±1.81 g 的青魚苗,每組10尾三重複,飼養六週。每兩週稱重一次,檢測非特異性免疫及血液生化指標,包括超氧陰離子(O2-)觀測值、吞噬作用活性(Phagocytic activity)、溶菌酶活性(Lysozyme activity)和鹼性磷酸酶(Alkaline phosphatase, ALP)、三酸甘油酯(Triglycerol)及總膽固醇(Total cholesterol)之變化。 結果發現,在餵食添加靈芝培養基各組在增重及成長無顯著差異性,萃取物2.5%的飼料對魚體增重有較佳提升,但在其他生長指標中無顯著差異。超氧陰離子在第六週各實驗組觀察到高於對照組的現象。吞噬作用在第四週各實驗組有較高活性表現且皆高於控制組,但於第六週無顯著差異性,整體低於第四周表現。溶菌酶活性實驗組較對照組在投餵第四週觀察到提升的現象,在第六周有下降的趨勢。六週投餵試驗後,各組在鹼性磷酸酶含量上無顯著性差異。而三酸甘油脂在直接添加及萃取添加組別經過六週試驗後統計分析後表現無明顯差異,但在培養基添加組中各實驗組略高於控制組。膽固醇結果方面,觀察到直接添加及萃取添加組別實驗組皆大於控制組別。經結果分析,直接添加組以1.25%(GL1.25),萃取添加組以2.5 %(GLE2.5)在成長表現與非特異性免疫方面具有最好的效果。This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of diet with Ganoderma lucidum medium and 80 % ethanol extract of Ganoderma lucidum medium on growth, non-specific immune parameters and blood parameters in black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus). In this experiment, the Ganoderma lucidum medium was supplemented at 0%, 0.75 %, 1.25 %, 2.5 %,5.0% to the basal diets, while the 80 % ethanol extract of Ganoderma lucidum medium was supplemented at 0%, 0.75 %, 1.25%,5.0 % to the basal diets. Each diet was fed to all groups of black carp (initial body weight: 13.03±1.81 g) for 6 weeks. Each group of the fish were weighed and measured non-specific immune parameters and blood parameters (including macrophages superoxide anion activity, phagocytic activity, lysozyme activity, alkaline phosphatase, triglycerol and total cholesterol)ware measured every two weeks. In this growth performances, the result showed no significant difference on the feed efficiency and weight gain percentage of black carp fed the Ganoderma lucidum medium containing diets supplemented. The experimental groups showed enhanced lysozyme activity, phagocytic activity, superoxide anion activity from the fourth week. We didn’t observed that ALP had shown much difference during the experimental period. However, it seems that the TG and T-Cho of experimental groups were similar or higher than the controlled groups at the end. These results can be concluded conducted that farmed fish fed with dietary 1.25 % Ganoderma lucidum medium supplementation and 2.5 % Ganoderma lucidum medium extract supplementation can enhance in growth, non-specific immunity and disease resistance.1555739 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2019/8/3論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)靈芝培養基青魚成長免疫Ganoderma lucidummediumblack carpgrowthimmune飼料中添加靈芝固態培養基對青魚成長表現與免疫之影響Effects of diet supplement with Ganoderma lucidum medium on growth and immune responses of black carp(Mylopharyngodon piceus)thesis10.6342/NTU201601218http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/276809/1/ntu-105-R03b45007-1.pdf