朱子豪2006-07-252018-06-282006-07-252018-06-282004http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/11438在九二一大地震屆滿五年的今天,鹿谷鄉的 傳統茶產業在觀光事業的帶動下,走入了另一頁 歷史,在文化元素的加入後,更為這個地方產業 注入了生命力,從近幾年來不斷舉辦的茶香藝文 和觀光活動來看,鹿谷鄉有了新的活力和生命, 觀光客到這邊除了溪頭、杉林溪之外,更多了許 多沿途品茶休憩的好去處。 本子計畫之主要目的是運用觀光發展潛力 分析的方法來作為觀光發展之基礎,並以e 化觀 光體系之資訊系統為觀光資訊處理流通平台,希 冀提供觀光發展更佳且新之分析與運作環境。 在第一年當中,我們試圖找出國內一個較為 客觀的觀光發展潛力評估指標系統,主要先將鹿 谷鄉之觀光優缺點以SWOT 分析,瞭解地方的 觀光特色和發展條件;繼之透過專家訪談和經驗 抽取的方式,希望找觀光發展潛力評估因子。但 由於完整和量化之評估方法目前付之闕如,因此 本計畫在嘗試透過文獻和經驗法則找每一項因 子的評估方法後,決定以鹿谷鄉之觀光資源特性 為主,比較和鹿谷類似的茶鄉---台北縣坪林鄉為 觀光潛力比較的依據,這是第二年計畫執行的重 點。並且以鹿谷鄉之資訊需求為礎規劃e 化觀光 資訊體系,設計規劃參考遊程,並且導入電子導 覽系統,可以作為觀光和野外旅遊時的電子式自 動解說及野外調查的輔助。The great earthquake of 921 have expired five years, and Luku’s traditional tea industry under the leadership of tour undertaking enter into another page history. After acceding culture element to Luku township, it’s place industry become vitality even more. From the fragrant skill of tea and the tour activity that have been holding constantly in recent year, there are new vigor and life in the Luku township. The tourists who get here besides Chi-tou and Sunlinksea can taste tea and take a rest in many good destinations on the way more. The main purpose that the notebook plans is that the method of using tour development potentiality to analyse comes as the foundation of tour development. It regards information system of e tour system as the platform dealing with tour information to provide better and newer analysis for tour development and the operation environment. In the first year, we attempt to find out the domestic and more objective index system of assessing tour development potentiality. The first main step is to analyse the good and bad points of Luku township for SWOT in order to understand the tour characteristic of the place and the terms of development; The second way is through expert's interview and experience collection to hope to look for the estimative factors of tour development potentiality. But intact and quantified assessments at present have passed away. This proposal has try to search every assessment factor through document and experience rule, and determine the tour resource characteristic of Luku township as the main fact which compares the tea township similar to Luku township ---Pingin township, Tapei country. This is a focal point that plans to be carried out in the second year. And plan e tour information system for the plinth in information demand with Luku township to design reference trip which injects into electronic guide system that can regard as electronic automatic explaining and field investigate assist at the time of tour in the field.application/pdf328289 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學地理環境資源學系暨研究所觀光發展潛力分析e化觀光資訊體系電子導覽系統the potentiality of tour developmente tour information systemelectronic guide system行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告:鹿谷鄉災後產業發展與環境保護計畫之擬定與實施機制之探討─子計畫:鹿谷鄉地區災後e化觀光體系之建立觀光發展潛力分析(II)reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/11438/1/922625Z002030.pdf