外科TANG, TONG-DARTONG-DARTANGCHIU, ING-SHING-SHCHIUCHEN, HSIN-CHIHSIN-CHICHENCHENG, KOUNG-YOKOUNG-YOCHENGCHEN, SHYH-JYESHYH-JYECHEN2009-01-082018-07-112009-01-082018-07-112001http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/96235Objectives: The transposed great arteries are simply reversed by conventional arterial switch operation with Lecompte maneuver, without resumption of their spiral relationship. We seek to clarify the functional implications of spiral fashion of the great arteries by mathematical modeling. Methods: Computational fluid dynamics is utilized to compare flow phenomena of spiral and Lecompte (nonspiral) models under various body surface areas (BSAs). Results: The velocity profile and wall shear stress distribution are more uniform for the spiral than the Lecompte model. The pressure drop and power loss ratio are smaller for the spiral than the Lecompte model for all the BSAs investigated . The power loss ratio increases abruptly starting from 0.43 m2 of BSA for the Lecompte model. At that specific stage after arterial switch operation with Lecompte maneuver, suprapulmonary stenoses occur most frequently. Conclusions: Reconstructing the great arteries in spiral fashion might be recommended because the blood flow patterns are more streamlined than those of the Lecompte maneuver. Initiation of stenosis might be minimized to some extent.en-USComputational fluid dynamicsTransposition of the great arteriesGREAT-ARTERIESSWITCH OPERATIONANATOMIC CORRECTIONTRANSPOSITIONComparison of Pulmonary Arterial Flow Phenomena in Spiral and Lecompte Models by Computational Fluid Dynamicsjournal article