2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714915This institute belongs to both College of Medicine and College of Engineering. The Master Program started in 1998 and Ph.D. Program started in 2001. The institute has five divisions, Biomaterials, Biomechanical Engineering, Bioelectronics, Clinical Engineering, and Biomedical informatics. The research fields include Bioceramics and Composites material, Biomedical Polymer Material, Drug Delivery System, Bio-nano Materials, Orthopaedic Biomechanics, Human Movement Analysis, Computer Assisted surgery, Prosthetics and Orthotics, Rehabilitation Engineering, Bioinstrumentation, Medical mMicrosensors, Signal Processing, Medical Imaging, Microarray Analysis, Database Processing, Biophotonics, Tissue Engineering , Ultrasound Thermal Therapy. Biomedical engineering is discipline that integrates biology, medicine and engineering knowledge to solve biomedical engineering problem. The main mission of the institute is to promote activities of teaching, research and development in biomedical engineering. We hope to reach several goals as following items: 1. Cultivate the professional teacher in biomedical engineering 2. Cultivate clinical enginee 3. Pioneer to the research fields of biomedical engineering 4. Assist to the development of biomedical engineering industries We also publish a scientific journal, the journal of Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications (BME). It is an international, interdisciplinary journal aiming at publishing up-to-date contributions on original clinical and basic research in the biomedical engineering. It covers the fields of bioelectronics, biomaterials, biomechanics, bioinformatics, nano-biological sciences and clinical engineering. We hope this journal will serve as a new forum for both scientists and clinicians to share their ideas and the results of their studies.本系係結合臨床醫學、工程科技與基礎科學等知識,應用於疾病的診斷、治療與防治、及醫療器材研發的專門學科。 教育目標在於融合生物學、基礎醫學、臨床醫學及工程科學等生物醫學工程知識,以生物醫學問題為導向,涵蓋分子、基因、細胞、乃至於組織等生物醫學範疇以及材料、力學、電子、資訊、微機電等工程領域 ,期使學生兼具生物、醫學及工程知識,及整合的能力,克服生物醫學問題,培養學生實作及解決問題的能力,期許學生畢業後能應用所學於醫療與科學工程整合、科技創新、產品研發以促進健康照護、提昇醫療照護與生活品質。Biomedical EngineeringAcademic Institute