國立臺灣大學中國文學系博士生Ph.D. Student, Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University白右尹Pai, Y.Y.Y.Y.Pai2017-09-082018-05-292017-09-082018-05-292016-06http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/282312齊梁時期沈約、王融等人所提出的八病說中,「韻紐四病」一向較少被討論。現代學者認為此四病過於嚴苛,無法實踐,並不重要;實因誤解了四病的涵義,故未能給予正確評價。 本文認為傍紐病指的是避免在十字之中使用同聲母、同元音的字,小韻可能指避免在兩句之內使用同音字。避忌四病的原因在於,文學作品若使用音韻關係太近的字,將導致誦讀不流利、辨義困難。根據文獻中的音韻現象也可察覺,傍紐病最早約誕生於漢末,遠在沈約等人之前。Among the “theory of the eight defects” proposed by Shen Yue and Wang Rong in the Qi and the Liang dynasties, the “four rhyme and syllable defects” are less discussed because the majority of contemporary researchers deem that they are too strict in definition to avoid in practice and are therefore valueless. This is actually a biased evaluation which results from a misinterpretation of the theory. The present study considers that the neighbor-syllable (傍紐) defect in the theory actually refers to avoiding characters of the same consonant and vowel within ten continuous characters, and the minor-rhyme (小韻) defect means to prevent homophonous characters between two continuous sentences. The four types of defects should be avoided because multiple characters of similar phonetic sounds arranged closely in a literary work would make it difficult to pronounce and identify the words. Examining the phonological phenomena in available literature, the neighbor-syllable defect has already been raised as early as around the end of the Han dynasty, far prior to Shen Yue and his followers.983359 bytesapplication/pdf八病、韻紐四病、歷史音韻、詩病(the eight defects, the four rhyme and syllable defects, historical phonology, poetic defects)韻紐四病考A Study on the Four Rhyme and Syllable Defectsjournal articlehttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/282312/1/0053_201606_1.pdf