2010-01-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/710475摘要:台灣與菲律賓地理位置接近,在緯度上橫跨了熱帶與亞熱帶氣候,加上由南向北之黑潮聯繫,形成ㄧ特殊之地理與水文環境,極適合魚類生物地理學之研究。本台菲雙邊合作研究計畫,擬與菲律賓研究團隊合作,以洄游性魚類之系群結構與生活史為研究主軸,台灣方面之研究將聚焦在鰻魚資源分布與生活史動態之研究。根據本實驗室初步研究得知,台灣與菲律賓呂宋島共有四種鰻魚,分別為日本鰻、鱸鰻、太平洋雙色鰻與黃氏鰻(又名呂宋鰻,為今年新發現種),其資源分布尚未清楚了解。尤其日本鰻為台灣重要的養殖魚種,但是種苗來源完全依賴天然鰻線之供給,天然鰻苗的資源動態,就成為產業發展的瓶頸。尤其近數十年來,受到過漁、棲地破壞以及氣候變遷等諸多因素的影響,野生鰻魚的資源量,有明顯下降之趨勢。日本鰻在馬里亞那群島西方海域產卵,而孵化出來的柳葉鰻經由北赤道洋流以及黑潮,歷經4-6個月的漂送,變態成為鰻線進入東亞沿岸。在過去,日本鰻鰻線的捕撈集中在台灣、大陸、韓國與日本,位於黑潮起點的菲律賓,日本鰻鰻線的資源量與族群遺傳結構,一直沒有深入的研究。此外,農委會於今年四月份起公告將鱸鰻自保育類野生動物除名,開放捕捉與養殖,勢必成為ㄧ新興之養殖物種。而新發現之黃氏鰻,其生活史動態則完全未知。因此,本計畫第一年將採集各月份台灣與菲律賓地區之鰻線,利用形態學與分子鑑定方法,分析各鰻種之生物地理分布與資源動態,此工作將延續三年。第二年則利用耳石日周輪與微化學方法,分析台灣與菲律賓地區之鰻線生活史特徵。第三年則利用微衛星 DNA,分析台灣與菲律賓地區之鰻魚族群遺傳結構,以及綜合探討四種鰻線在台灣與菲律賓地區分布的時空規則。本計畫之執行,對於鰻魚資源之開發與管理,將有莫大之幫助。<br> Abstract: Taiwan and Philippines locate close to each other, cover both tropical and subtropical climate area in latitude. The Kuroshio Current flows from Philippines north to Taiwan, forms a unique marine geography region suitable for the study of fish biogeography. This bilateral project will collaborate with research team in Philippines on the study of population structure and life history for the diadromous fishes. Our project will focus on eel resource distribution and life history dynamics. Based on our preliminary study, there are four eel species in Taiwan and Luzon island of Philippines, namely Japanese eel Anguilla japonica、A. marmorata、A. bicolor pacifica and A. huangi (synonyms A. luzonensis). The detailed resource distributions for these eel species are still unclear. For the Japanese eel, it is an important aquaculture species in Taiwan. However, the industry fully dependents on the supply of the glass eel caught from the wild. The glass eel resource thus forms the bottleneck for aquaculture industry. The populations of the Japanese eel have declined significantly in comparison with those in 1970s, possibly due to global climate change, overfishing and habitat destruction. The mature Japanese eel spawns in the open ocean west of the Mariana Islands. Their larvae, leptocephali, drift with the North Equatorial and Kuroshio Currents, metamorphose into glass eels on the continental shelf of East Asia, taking about 4-6 months in total. In the past, the catch of the glass eel mainly comes from Taiwan, China, Korea and Japan. Its resource dynamics in Philippine, which locate in the front of Kuroshio Current, are little known. Besides, the A. marmorata has been removed from the list of conservation species this April in Taiwan. Catch and aquaculture have been allowed now. It has great potential to become a new aquaculture species. For the new eel species A. huangi, its life history is totally unknown. Therefore, for the first year of the project, we are going to collect glass eels from Taiwan and Philippine and analyzing the species compositions and biogeography by morphology and molecular identifying method. This work will last for three years. For the second year of the project, we will analyze the life history characters of glass eels in Taiwan and Philippines using otolith daily growth ring/microchemistry tools. For the third year of the project, we will analyze the population genetic structure of these eels by microsatellite DNA tools in Taiwan and Philippines, and to clarify their distribution of these four eel species in spatial and temporal scales. This project would help to establish a better management strategy for the eel resource.鰻魚微衛星 DNA耳石族群遺傳結構資源管理EelMicrosatellite DNAOtolithPopulation genetic structureResource management臺灣與菲律賓地區洄游性魚類族群結構與耳石微化學之分析