臺灣大學: 心理學研究所葉素玲周蔚倫Chou, Wei-LunWei-LunChou2013-03-202018-06-282013-03-202018-06-282010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/247533研究證據支持視覺注意力可以運作在空間上或物體上,分別被稱為空間為基礎注意力以及物體為基礎注意力,兩者同時影響視覺注意力的分配。近二十年來,相關研究著重在探討空間為基礎注意力以及物體為基礎注意力的特性,然而對於兩者的內在機制以及兩者的關係著墨較少。本論文旨在對空間為基礎注意力以及物體為基礎注意力的內在機制做系統性的探討和比較。 論文第一個部份包含三個研究,分別操弄位置(第二章)、物體(第三章)以及目標物(第四章)的可見度,系列研究結果展現空間為基礎注意力和物體為基礎注意力在功能上及內在機制上的差異。論文第二個部份操弄工作記憶(第五章)以及線索有效性(第六章),進一步在這兩個涉及較高階認知功能的向度上展現空間為基礎注意力和物體為基礎注意力的差異。 整合論文中的五個研究,空間為基礎注意力和物體為基礎注意力在不同面向中展現本質上的差異:一、操弄意識對兩者造成不同的影響, 二、兩者由不同的內在機制達成,三、涉及不同種類的工作記憶,以及,四、展現各自獨立的線索有效性。這些結果挑戰了現存的重要視覺注意力理論並且提供了新的思考方向。論文中並提出具體可檢驗的假說來解釋論文中新穎的實徵證據。Visual attention studies have suggested two bases of selection—location-based and object-based. Location-based attention denotes that locations in the visual field are selected; object-based attention denotes that objects are selected. Location- and object-based attention are not mutually exclusive; they can influence the allocation of attention simultaneously. Over the last two decades, many studies have focused on the boundary conditions of each basis of selection; however, little is known about the underlying mechanisms of each. This thesis describes a series of five studies examining the mechanisms of location-based and object-based attention. Section I includes three studies manipulating visibility of stimuli with respect to location (chapter 2), object (chapter 3), and target (chapter 4) and distinct functions (action/object recognition), brain pathways (dorsal/ventral pathway), and underlying mechanisms (signal enhancement/noise exclusion) of location-based and object-based attention are differentiated accordingly. Section II includes two studies manipulating high-level factors—working memory (chapter 5) and expectations (chapter 6)—and demonstrated the high-level cognitive factors also affect location-based attention and object-based attention differently. Taken together, results from these five studies show that location-based and object-based attention (1) are influenced by consciousness in different ways, (2) have different underlying mechanisms, (3) involve different kinds of working memory, and (4) rely on different aspects of cue validity. These findings challenge and shed new insights into current theories of attention. The consciousness-dependent hypothesis and the optimization hypothesis are proposed to explain the novel findings reported in this thesis.3202742 bytesapplication/pdfen-US雙矩型派典閾下空間線索物體意識訊號增強雜訊排除工作記憶線索有效性double-rectangle paradigmsubliminal spatial cueobject awarenesssignal enhancementnoise exclusionworking memorycue validity注意力分配在空間上和物體上之機制差異Distinct Mechanisms of Location-Based and Object-Based Visual Attentionhttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/247533/1/ntu-99-F90227011-1.pdf