臺灣大學: 新聞研究所彭文正徐嘉宏Hsu, Chia-HungChia-HungHsu2013-04-152018-06-282013-04-152018-06-282012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/257492 起源美國的棒球運動,在日治時期傳入台灣後,最初做為殖民政策的一環,而後隨著中華民國政府統治台灣,推行棒球運動在台灣的政策意義也轉換成為遂行國族主義的工具之一。雖然棒球運動在台灣的政策意義隨著政權的更迭其內涵也有所不同,但棒球也在統治者由上而下的推行下,緊密地嵌入台灣社會文化,而此時棒球對於台灣社會的意義,也不再只是單純的統治者的工具之一。 台灣棒球選手最早旅外打球的濫觴可追溯至日治時期,隨著台灣棒球水準的進步,旅外打球的台灣選手也漸漸變多,但期間隨著國族主義的影響,選手旅外的風氣一度稍歇,到了1980年代中期,台灣選手旅外的浪潮才又再度興起。1990年代中後期,旅外風向又有改變,台灣選手不再以日本為首選,而是有更多球員夢想挑戰更高水準的美國職棒大聯盟,目前台灣旅美選手人數已超越旅日選手數量。 本次研究旨在透過統計與內容分析2011年台灣四家主要報紙(蘋果日報、自由時報、中國時報、聯合報)對於台灣旅外球員的報導,希望能藉此了解該四報對台灣旅外球員報導的頻率、主題與報導趨向。研究發現,首先,蘋果日報與自由時報在報導面積上較其他兩報多;其中自由時報在報導比例上又為四報之冠。報導主題方面以報導球員的賽況表現最多,體裁上以純淨新聞為主。 而使用SPSS檢定選手出賽數與見報頻率後發現,在特定條件(去極值)下,選手見報頻率與出賽數成正相關,且有顯著性出現。而大聯盟層級的選手在報導頻率數量上與其他層級選手也有顯著差異,但是除了大聯盟層級外,其他層級間見報頻率就統計而言,其差異並不存在。Baseball, first originated from United States, was brought to Taiwan by Japanese rulers when Empire of Japan ruled Taiwan. First being set as one of colonial governance strategies, baseball in Taiwan had different connotation after Republic of China Governed Taiwan – a symbol of nationalism. Although baseball represented different metaphor under different rulers, baseball, however, has ingrained into Taiwanese social culture by incessant efforts of different rulers. The meanings of baseball in Taiwanese society has changed, not just merely the tool of rulers anymore. The origin of Taiwanese baseball players first play abroad can be traced back to Japanese colonial era. Along with the progress on Baseball skills of Taiwanese players, more and more Taiwanese baseball players were signed and played abroad. Although the wave of Taiwanese Players go abroad was temporarily stalled by nationalism in Taiwan, the wave had come back on in the middle of 1980s. After 1990s, more Taiwanese players have been increasingly more willing to challenge Major League Baseball, instead of Japanese Professional Baseball, the former first choice of Taiwanese baseball players who want to go to overseas. The amount of Taiwanese Players play in the United States has transcended players play in Japan now. In order to figure out how Taiwanese newspaper deal with overseas Taiwanese professional baseball players , the researcher collects four major Taiwanese newspapers –Apple Daily, Liberty Times, China Times and United Daily News- published in 2011, and analyzes their news coverage on this issue . By using content analysis and statistics methodology, the researcher finds out that Apple Daily and Liberty times have more coverage proportions than the other two, also, Liberty Times has the highest coverage ratio on abroad Taiwanese professional baseball players among all. The statistics also reveals most of the coverage topics are relevance to the performance of players, and pure news has the biggest amounts among all coverage forms. The researcher also finds out, the frequencies of players appear on coverage have positive correlation with their plate appearance under certain condition- outlier -, by using SPSS software to examine the correlations between them. Also, using Scheffe’s test, the researcher discovers that the quantities of coverage on major league level players have significant relation with other levels player, while the same test reveals quantities of articles cover on other levels players have no significant relation between each other.140 bytestext/htmlen-US內容分析棒球旅外體育報導報紙議題設定Content analysisBaseballPlayers play abroadSports coverageNewspapersAgenda Setting Theory臺灣旅外職棒球員體育報導之內容分析研究 – 以蘋果日報、自由時報、中國時報與聯合報為研究對象Content Analysis of Taiwan Newspapers Coverage on Aboard Taiwanese Professional Baseball Players – Research Objects on Apple Daily, Liberty Times, China Times and United Daily Newsthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/257492/1/index.html