國立臺灣大學中國文學系Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University彭美玲Peng, M.L.M.L.Peng2017-09-082018-05-292017-09-082018-05-292007-06http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/282307方志為地方史書,明中葉以迄有清數量尤為可觀,其中常見的「風俗門」每紀錄一地「冠婚喪祭」四禮,頗足以「觀風俗、知得失」,洵為不容忽視的禮俗材料。本文即擷取近代方志的婚禮記載,搜討其間關涉的婦女問題,一方面了解傳統婦女面臨婚嫁時的身心歷程,一方面也藉記者的述論揣摩「士子經義」與「民風現實」的異同所在。 由方志所見,傳統婚配中婦女處境值得關注的問題諸如:迫於嫁資而產生的溺女惡風,因生計或繼嗣所需而形成的童養媳、女大男小婚、招贅婚等。至於傳統婚禮中,新婚集眾人眼光的同時,照例須經歷種種儀式期使角色蛻變,如結婚前夕的和歌(姊妹淘眾會唱答以惜別)、哭嫁(新娘歌哭以訴離情);迎親之日未必為新郎所親迎;行嫁途中及進入夫家的前後,復藉各種道具、儀節多施祝願與禁忌;此外更有坐帳(令新娘久坐帳中以磨其性情)、鬧房(眾親友戲鬧洞房)、驗貞(檢查新娘是否為處女)、試巧(試探新娘烹飪、女紅等手藝)等重重關卡,新娘的身心可說是備受考驗。說這段歷程固然可透過人類學家范.吉內普(Arnold van Gennep)的「過度儀式」(rites of passage)理論予以詮解,但無論如何,中國傳統婚嫁活動中,婦女自有其特殊而多元的生命臨場感,這應該也是傳統禮俗的魅力所在。From the mid-Ming to the Qing Dynasty, there emerged a wide array of local histories or gazetteers (fangzhi) which recorded various facets of town and city life in late imperial China. These gazetteers often have a section called “fengsu men,” which is devoted to the subject of customs and contains rich information about the practice, in various localities, of the four major traditional Chinese ceremonies: guan (initiation into adulthood), hun (wedding), sang (funeral), and ji (ancestor worship). The fengsu men of the gazetter was therefore considered an important source for the imperial officials to gain knowledge aobut local customs. Focusing on wedding customs and ceremonies, this paper uses the records of fangzhi to study issues that were often faced by the bride in late imperial China. It aims not only to reveal the bride’s physical and emotional transformation over the related processes, but also to explore the convergence and divergence between the classical teachings of the Confucian literati and the actual realities of local folklife. From the records of fangzhi we may uncover a range of issues which shed great light on women’s situations in traditional Chinese marriage and wedding customs. Most noticeable among them are issues related to the custom of drowning baby girls to avoid later wedding cost, the practice of tongyang xi (wife brought up since childhood in the husband’s fmaily) in order to continue the family line, marriage between older women and younger men, and uxorilocal marriage (zhaozhui hun). Furthermore, the gazetteers show that in traditional wedding, the bride, being the focal point of attention, undergoes many ceremonial customs and activities which symbolize the change of her roles in the family and society. These include: the gathering of the bride’s female friends to bid farewell on the eve of the wedding; the bride weeping before the wedding to convey sadness for leaving her birth family; the possible absence of the groom in the procession from his house to obtain the bride; using various types of props and ceremonies to either bless the couple or inform them what is forbidden, both during the procession to the groom’s house and after arriving. In addition, there are some other customs which might appear exotic to the modern eye, such as keeping the bride sitting alone in the couple’s bedroom in order to cultivate her dispositions and patience; family members and friends playing jokes and teasing the couple in their bedroom on the wedding night; examining whether the bride is a virgin; and testing the bride’s cooking and sewing skills. Needless to say, all these customs and activities are grueling tests for the bride. Arnold Van Gennep has interpreted such practices as “rites of passage.” For the bride in traditional Chinese society, however, they mean more than just rites of passage. Indeed they have multiple bearings on the bride’s physical and emotional states, as well as on her life as a whole.28592436 bytesapplication/pdf方志婚禮婦女新娘FangzhiGazetteerWeddingWomenBride傳統婚嫁活動中的婦女待遇──以近代方志風俗門述論為主Women and the Traditional Chinese Wedding Customs: A Critical Study Based on Late Imperial Gazetteersjournal article10.6281/NTUCL.2007.26.07http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/282307/1/0026_200706_7.pdf