工學院: 機械工程學研究所指導教授: 顏家鈺廖友廷Liao, You-TingYou-TingLiao2017-03-132018-06-282017-03-132018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/278505腹腔鏡微創手術機器人在醫療領域的廣泛運用,拓展了醫生的手術能力,提高了手術的質量,減少了患者痛苦,縮短了術後恢復時間。鑒於腹腔鏡微創機器人的優勢並結合醫生的經驗,使微創手術應用於更精密的手術領域,擴展了微創技術的應用範圍。本文主要研究目的為設計一個力量控制器來達成腹腔鏡微創手術機器人的避障和拖曳教導。 本文首先推導持鏡臂和內視鏡的運動學和動態模型,並規畫手術所需沙漏狀軌跡,針對病人肚皮孔洞小範圍的軌跡教導。以阻抗控制讓持鏡臂順應外科手術環境,在碰撞病人或醫生時能產生順應能力來保持安全。以質量阻尼系統動態模型建構拖曳教導,創建幾種拖曳模式如定姿教導或定位教導讓醫生可以方便且安全地操作內視鏡。文中以六軸機械手臂搭配安裝在終端效果器上的六軸力規透過力旋轉轉換演算法來驗證本研究的可行性。Endoscopic minimally invasive surgery robot has been widely used in the medical field which expands the doctor’s surgical capacity, improves the quality of surgery, reduces the suffering of patients, shortens the cure time and reduces the patients’ cost. Considering of combining the advantages of endoscopic minimally invasive surgical robot and experience of a surgeon, it applies the minimally invasive surgery technology into precision surgery areas and then enlarge the application areas of the minimally invasive surgery. The main purpose of this thesis is to design a force controller to accomplish the obstacle avoidance and drag teaching. First of all, we derive the kinematics and dynamic models of the MIS endoscopic manipulator from Robotic Kinematic Control and plan hourglass trajectory during the MIS surgery. We also teach robot how to aim at hole on the abdomen. By impedance control, the manipulator can comply with surgical environment. We can construct drag teaching by mass-damper dynamic model and let doctors safely operate the endoscope with several teaching mode such as the fixed-position mode and the fixed-orientation mode. Finally, we use 6-DOF manipulator and six-axis force sensor to test and verify the proposed algorithm.3739543 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2019/7/26論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)內視鏡機器人阻抗控制拖曳教導微創手術MIS Endoscopic ManipulatorImpedance ControlDrag TeachingMinimally Invasive Surgery內視鏡機器人阻抗教導控制與醫生避障系統Doctor Avoidance and Impedance Control of an Endoscope Robotthesis10.6342/NTU201600635http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/278505/1/ntu-105-R03522811-1.pdf