社會科學院: 新聞研究所指導教授: 林照真;張錦華吳琬婷Wu, Wan-TingWan-TingWu2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275085  近年來,台灣社會吹起一股創業風氣,政府與民間組織都積極提供誘因,鼓勵民眾創業;新聞媒體也有大篇幅的報導。但是,在眾多新創事業蓬勃發展之際,創業圈卻存在著性別失衡的問題。不僅創業代表人物幾乎都是男性,就連參與創業的女性比例都相當少。   因此,本深度報導將以新創事業的女性創辦人為主體,藉由採訪多名女性創業家,了解她們不同的創業動機、創業經驗以及從中所獲得的挫折與成長,並將她們的故事呈現在深度報導中。再者,由於影響「人」的因素,往往來自於社會及文化背景,所以,本深度報導也會從這些女性創業家的故事,延伸探討到台灣女性創業環境的結構性因素,藉此了解台灣女性在創業中究竟面臨哪些困難、困難又從何而來,以及該如何提供女性創業家更友善的創業環境。In recent years, startups are popular in Taiwan society. In order to encourage people to start their own business, both Taiwan Government and civil community provide plenty of incentives. The press also reports at great length in Taiwan. However, at the time of startups booming, the problem of gender imbalance has been presented in the circle of startups. Not only the representatives of startups are almost male, but also women who start their own business are low-percentage. According to this situation, female entrepreneurs will be the core-content in this in-depth reporting. Through interviewing many of female entrepreneurs to understand their different motive, experience, encountered difficulties and perception of startups. Besides, the factors that effect women are usually come from society and cultural conditions that we called “glass ceiling”. Therefore, this in-depth reporting also discusses women startups’ social environment and structural factor in Taiwan. At least, this report trying to find out what difficulties Taiwan women faced in startups, how these difficulties occurred and how to provide women a more friendly environment of startups in the future.1062658 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2018/12/1論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)創業女性玻璃天花板性別角色性別與勞動FemaleGlass CeilingGender and LaborStartupSex Role創業女力Women Power in Startupthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/275085/1/ntu-104-R02342010-1.pdf