工學院: 土木工程學研究所指導教授: 劉進賢黃暄雯Huang, Hsuan-WenHsuan-WenHuang2017-03-132018-07-092017-03-132018-07-092016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/278178河口海岸工程中,汙染問題對於環境生態影響甚大,分析汙染排放和其在流體中運動的過程,對於工程規畫和施工都能有所助益。本文將在汙染源項未知的情形下,以無網格法其中的邊界積分法及配點法求解對流擴散方程,分析一維汙染源及其汙染濃度分布。本篇論文使用邊界積分法反算汙染源;使用邊界積分法及配點法正算汙染濃度分布。使用傅立葉級數、多項式作為數值試驗解的基底外,嘗試使用指數函數及模態作為數值試驗解之基底。更進一步探討分數階指數函數基底對於精度的影響。除此之外,亦使用多尺度的技巧降低病態程度、共軛梯度法求解線性代數方程組、三角函數正交性解待定係數。The pollution is a big issue in estuarine and coastal engineering, inducing a huge impact on the environment. It would be helpful for engineering practice to analyze the emission and the dynamic motion of the pollution. The subject of this thesis is to solve the convection diffusion equation without knowing the source term by the boundary integral element method (BIEM) and the collocation method which are both meshless methods to recover 1D pollution source and concentration problem. Firstly, BIEM is applied to solve the inverse source problem. Secondly, BIEM as well as the collocation method are applied to solve the direct concentration problem. Other than Fourier series and polynomial basis, we tried to use the exponential functions and mode shapes as the basis of trial solution as well. Furthermore, we tried the fractional order exponential functions as the basis to see if the accuracy can be increased. The supplementary techniques such as multi-scale method, conjugate gradient method (CGM) and orthogonality of trigonometric functions are also used in this thesis.7115905 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2017/8/3論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)對流擴散方程反算問題無網格法邊界積分法配點法指數函數基底分數階指數函數基底多尺度技巧convection diffusion equationinverse problemmeshless methodBIEMcollocationexponential function basisfractional exponential function basismulti-scale technique解對流擴散方程之正反算問題Solving Direct and Inverse Problems of Convection Diffusion Equationthesis10.6342/NTU201600997http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/278178/1/ntu-105-R03521201-1.pdf