國立臺灣大學電機工程學系暨研究所郭斯彥2006-07-252018-07-062006-07-252018-07-062003-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/7919隨著網際網路與行動通訊的普及化,二者技術的整合產生了許多新穎的應 用,所謂的行動電子商務就是其中之一。 要如何提供不間斷的服務,提供一個具備高可用度(availability)的系統,將 是一個挑戰。另一方面,各項新技術的快速發展,使得軟體系統的生命週期變得 相當短促。因此在考量網際網路應用程式伺服系統架構時,必須將系統的維護與 日後功能擴充的可能性列入考量的項目。本計畫使用分散式元件技術(distributed object),設計以多中介層次(multi-tier)的架構提供不同的功能層級,以達成行動 電子商務系統之高度可擴充性(high scalability)。另外,由於分散式元件具有良好 的替代性,用於架構系統將有利於系統的維護與更新。本計畫同時著重於研究如 何使系統具備高可用度。我們使用元件層級的容錯群組技術,達成系統高可用度 的需求。 本年度計畫將完成交易系統中介軟體之決策邏輯與流程控制邏輯,並以 CORBA 技術提供系統元件之容錯,來實現系統之高可用度及高可擴充性。As the use of the Internet and mobile communication becomes popular, the combination of these two technologies has brought many novel applications into the real world. The so-called mobile e-commerce is one of them. However, it's not easy to convert a legacy client-server style system into Internet-compliance. The Internet clients can be worldwide. The system must have high availability to provide continuous services. Furthermore, the rapid development of new technology makes the life cycle of one system even shorter. As a result, it's important to put scalability and maintainability into consideration when constructing the system architecture. In this project, we make use of the distributed object technology to design and implement the multi-tier system architecture. By building different function levels in the multi-tier fashion, high system scalability can be achieved. Furthermore, because of the ease of component replacement, building the system by distributed objects is also beneficial in the maintenance and upgrades of the system. At the same time, we aim at providing the system with high availability. It is achieved by using the component-level fault-tolerant group technique. During this year we will finish the decision-making logic and flow-control logic of the middleware in the trading system. The high system availability and scalability is achieved by using fault-tolerant CORBA components.application/pdf134433 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學電機工程學系暨研究所多層次式架構分散式元件技術高可用度高可擴充性Mobile E-commerceMiddlewareMulti-tierAvailabilityand Scalability高可擴充性與可用性行動電子商務中介軟體技術之研發與實作Design and Implementation of Highly Scalable and Available Middleware Technology in Mobile E-Commerce Environmentreporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/7919/1/912213E002046.pdf