2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714798The Department of Biochemical Science and Technology was founded in 2003, as part of the newly established College of Life Science, on the initiative of the Division of Agricultural Production in the Department of Agricultural Chemistry. The matriculation of first year students commenced from 2003. In 2010, the department merges the Institutes of Microbiology and Biochemistry, and offers master and doctoral degree. The Department pursues excellence in preparing students for future careers in academic research or the application of biotechnology in industry. The graduates are expected to be equipped with strong backgrounds in Biology and Chemistry and to be prepared to meet the ever increasing challenges in the fields of basic research and scientific discovery. Also, the graduates are expected to know how to transform their knowledge to practical applications in the development of biotech value-added products. To achieve these two goals, we design our courses to provide both extensive basic knowledge and intensive experiments. The research conducted in the Department covers a wide range, including biochemistry, molecular biology, biotechnology, microbiology, bio-industry, fermentation, food science and nutrition. The members of the faculty are dedicated, not only to teaching, but also to conducting fruitful research. The Department won a special position among peer departments in Taiwan for the following out-standing features in its approach to teaching: First, the Department emphasizes both Biology and Chemistry. Second, the Department coordinates basic research and practical applications. And third, all the living systems, animal, plant and microorganism, are employed in teaching and training. The Department expects to develop in the following areas: (1) Research in functional genomics, biochemical metabolism, gene regulation and basic microbiology and molecular biology; (2) Utilization of microorganisms and eukaryotes as tools for the production of biotech value-added products; (3) Evaluation the practical usefulness of biotechnological products. (4) Development of the processes for industrialized biotech products. In facing the emerging fields of biochemical science and technology in the new era, the Department is committed to forming a strong partnership with bio-industry to push Taiwan steady, healthy economic growth. In the meantime, the Department will pursue excellence in research to form a beneficial interaction between research and application.臺灣大學生化科技學系以培育現代生化科學與生化技術研發人才為目標。生化科學是一門探究人類知識前沿的學科,生化技術從創新,創造與工程的角度解決環境變遷,永續農業,與健康醫療等人類所面對的重大問題。 生命豐富多樣,但卻有共通運作的基礎,這些機制建構於生物巨分子的結構,及其代謝,交互作用,訊息傳遞,等生化反應。生化科技系的課程設計提供理解這些生命運作的堅實基礎,包括有機化學、分析化學、生物物理化學、生物統計學、微生物學、生物化學、分子生物學、生物技術核心實驗,及進階核心課程 。本系 2020年起延聘師資開授 “程式設計與生命科學”課程,提升本系學生能力,面對未來挑戰。 生命科學蓬勃進展,植基於研究工具的突破性進展,例如質譜儀、影像技術、次世代定序、生物資訊等。生化科技系的研究憑藉台大所提供的卓越資源,提供學生學習與創造的最佳環境。 生化科技學系的起源與發展與生物技術產業密切連結,我們的研究領域具體舉例包括,微生物發酵工業、合成生物學、食品分析、生醫感應器、營養免疫學、營養表觀遺傳學、細胞與免疫治療、再生醫學、癌症生物學、抗體工程、代謝工程、光生物學、病毒作用機制、微生物感染機制、蛋白質化學、酵素化學、植物生化、植物逆境生理、光訊息傳導、植物次級代謝物、真菌工廠、植物工廠、微生物工廠、藥物傳輸系統等。我們鼓勵利用多元豐富的課程,由學生設計以解決問題為導向的課程地圖。 生化科技系由基礎到應用,由發現到發明,是引領生化科技產業發展的搖籃與推手。Biochemical Science and TechnologyAcademic Institute