2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714797The Institute of Polymer Science and Engineering (IPSE) at NTU is devoted to graduate teaching and research in polymer chemistry, physics, and engineering. The primary goals are to provide high education for polymer scientists and engineers. In addition, the institute pursues fundamental and applied polymer research to understand the basics of polymer materials and to expand the applications of polymers to human needs. Over the past fifty years, the growth of polymer science and engineering has been extremely fast. With their processibility and high performance, polymers have become the material of choice for modern life from food packaging, clothing, housing, transportation, communication, to electronics and aerospace equipment, etc. Consequently, many departments at NTU have carried out extensive teaching and research programs on polymers for more than thirty years. The founding of a graduate institute devoted to polymer science and engineering was advocated from 1994. Finally, following the long-term efforts of the College of Engineering and the Department of Chemical Engineering, approval was obtained from the Education of Ministry in 2001 to set up an Institute of Polymer Science and Engineering for Ph. D., and M.S., level instruction and training. At present, we have 6 full-time faculty, 10 co-joint faculties. IPSE will continue to seek and hire distinguished experts in the field of polymer science and engineering. IPSE strives to maintain a state-of-the-art research environment and perform cutting-edge research programs sponsored by government and industry. The research directions and emphases are always in cutting-edge areas of polymer application: Synthesis and reaction mechanism of high performance polymers. Preparation, structural analysis, and processing principle of high performance composite materials. Numerical modeling of polymerization, structural formation, and process control of polymers. Rheology and thermodynamics of polymers and polymer blends. Molecular modeling and polymer interface science and technology. Design, synthesis, and application of polymerinorganic hybrid materials. Design, synthesis, and application of advanced organic optical, electronic, and magnetic materials. Preparation and characterizaiton of smart polymer materials. Thesis, morphology, and application of polymers for microelectronic and communication devices.現今高分子科技之應用範圍涵蓋傳統的塑膠、合成樹脂產業乃至高科技之電子、光電、通訊產業等所需之原材料及元件,因此高分子科技在我國產業科技一直扮演著重要支柱角色。而近年來熱門的領域亦可看到高分子扮演著關鍵角色,包括奈米科技如可大幅度提升材料機械性質之奈米高分子複合材料、能源科技如具成本優勢的有機太陽能電池、生物科技如高效率的高分子藥物釋放載體等。因此高分子材料科技可說是新世代科技之領航者之一。 鑑於高分子科技之重要性,台大各系所紛紛投入高分子科學研究,包括化工系、材料系、化學系、機械系、應力所、工科系、物理系、牙醫系及凝態中心皆投入大量人力、經費從事教學研究。因此台大自1994年即著手籌設高分子科學與工程學研究所,在工學院的努力下,於2001年獲得教育部同意成立博士班及碩士班之研究所,並於2002年8月1日正式成立。 高分子科學與工程學研究所致力於高分子合成、高分子物理、微結構與特性分析、精密高分子加工及生醫高分子之教學與研究,主要目的在於培育學有專精之高分子科技人才,使其適任於工業界、學術界及政府機構。在師資方面,現有專任師資7名,合聘師資5名,名譽退休教授1名,且將持續聘請國內外在高分子領域的傑出專家任教。在研究生方面,現有碩士生與博士生合計約100名。 本所積極爭取政府及工業界在研究上經費的支持,並提供優良之研究環境與推動先進之研究。2007-2011年以本所名義發表之SCI期刊約570篇,教授更屢獲科技部傑出研究獎、教育部及經濟部產學合作獎、中國工程師學會傑出工程教授獎等重要榮譽。此外,本所也不定期與學術界、工業界、政府於高分子材料之基本原理運用領域方面,舉辦研討會議及其它相關訓練課程。並舉行年度跨國雙邊研討會,推動國際合作計畫及研究人員互訪,以加強國際學術交流。Polymer Science and EngineeringAcademic Institute