2008-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/678340摘要:丁若鏞經學著作內容非常廣泛,涉及所有的四書六經。他不僅對黃宗羲、顧炎武、閻若璩、毛奇齡、徐乾學等中國學者十分熟悉,對於日本古學派儒者如伊藤仁齋、荻生徂徠、太宰春臺等,也有廣泛的涉獵和研究。在當前的研究中,學者普遍感受到,丁若鏞的經學早已超越了對於經典進行考證解釋的層次,而是他試圖以此作為依據,得出一套自己對於經世論的獨特見解。而這套見解如何反映到他的經學,便是現在需要進一步詳細探討的課題。 另外,有鑑於當時東亞的知識份子大都將自己對政治、經濟等社會現實的看法反映到經學當中,以此顯露出自己的思想意識和立場。因此本計畫即欲針對丁若鏞關於經學的著作,進行全面縱觀和微觀的探討,並企圖從以下三個方向:(1)與日本古學派的關係;(2)與西學的關係;以及(3)與中國經學家的異同,觀察丁若鏞對此三者的態度,研究他如何融攝不同的概念,開創出自己新的學術體系;並且期待由此建構出丁若鏞整個經學思想體系的系統和他的詮釋方法;其次,在東亞儒學的視域下,檢視丁若鏞儒學新說朝向近代化發展的特性和意義。 <br> Abstract: Korean Confucianist Chŏng Yagyong offered a tremendous research in his Confucian classical studies involved the Four Books and Six Classics. It demonstrated his comprehensive understanding of both Chinese scholars and Japanese Tokugaku Confucianists such as Huang Zongxi, Gu Yanwu, Yan Ruoqu, Mao Qiling, Xu Qianxue, Ito Jinsai, Ogyu Sorai, Dazai Shundai and so on. Recent researches reflect his study in Confucian classics is far more on a philological level but set as a foundation for his own political and economical thoughts. And how these personal opinions were reflected in his classical studies is the focus of this study. In this project, Chong Yagyong’s Confucian classical studies will be investigated thoroughly from both microscopic and macroscopic perspectives which focus on three aspects i.e. 1)its relationship with Tokugaku Confucism; 2)its relationship with Western Learning; 3)its differences with Chinese Confucianists. From here, we will construct his intellectual system and his own interpretations from the understanding of how these different concepts contributed to his own intellectual system. Furthermore, we will survey the characteristics and meanings of his intellectual system in the course of modernity among the Confucianism in East Asia.丁若鏞丁茶山東亞儒學經學四書學Chŏng Yagyong,Chŏng Tasan,Confucianism in East Asia,Confucian Classics,Four Books Learning優勢重點領域拔尖計畫/人文社會高等研究院/東亞儒學視域中朝鮮丁若鏞之經學研究