臺灣大學: 機械工程學研究所蕭浩明鄭有成Tee, Yu-SengYu-SengTee2013-04-012018-06-282013-04-012018-06-282011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/255863心血管疾病目前為全球主要死亡病因。在所有治療方式中,血管支架以最小侵入的方式將阻塞的血管張開,順利讓血液流通,而成為治療動脈硬化標準。舊式的支架製程採用2D繪圖設計,再將支架幾何圖轉為3D後匯入雷射切削設備,根據設計圖式切削。製作好的支架需經過多重實驗測試,觀察測試結果是否符合當初設計目標。每次的製程流程可能需數天或數星期,非常耗時且較無效率。本文嘗試加入參數式設計的概念到繪圖中,並結合有限元素分析嘗試降低製作的研發時間。過程中建立有限元素模型如:支架製程、支架封裝、支架置入血管與支架在血管的疲勞壽命。結果顯示修改圖形只需數秒鐘,且經過有限元素分析能預先觀察出不符理想的設計,不需進行一連串隆長繁瑣的測試。與舊式製程比較,加入參數式設計與有限元素分析能在短時間達到支架設計較佳化。Cardiovascular disease is the world''s leading cause of death. Stenting is the minimally-invasive method of opening blocked arteries to restore blood flow and has become the primary treatment for vascular diseases. When making an intravascular stent, a 2-D stent design is first sketched and then the CAM-coded stent geometry is fed into the laser machine to cut the designed stent patterns. The manufactured stents are then tested to evaluate whether the stent performance matches the design intents. Each design iteration could take days to weeks to complete, which is time-consuming and inefficient. In this study, we propose to apply the parametric design concept into the stent design and combine with Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to shorten the stent development cycle. Several Finite Element models was developed which are able to predict the mechanical behavior of self expanding stents during manufacturing, in vivo deployment, and service life in human body subjected to pulsatile blood pressure. Results show that a modified stent drawing can be completed in just a few seconds and many inappropriate designs can be screened out by FEA analysis without going into subsequent lengthy testing process. This work will help to achieve stent optimization within a very short time compared with the traditional approaches without parametric stent design and/or FEA models.3556636 bytesapplication/pdfen-US自動擴張式血管支架有限元素分析鎳鈦合金Self Expanding StentFinite Element AnalysisNitinol[SDGs]SDG3自動擴張式血管支架有限元素分析Self Expanding Stent Finite Element Analysisthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/255863/1/ntu-100-R98522835-1.pdf