臺灣大學: 工程科學及海洋工程學研究所林輝政傅聖博Fu, Sheng-PoSheng-PoFu2013-03-272018-06-282013-03-272018-06-282011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/252418面對全球節能減碳的趨勢,綠色能源已成為各國熱門發展的新興產業之一,經過各國長期的研發,風力發電設備已逐漸趨於成熟,相較於大型風力發電機龐大的市場規模與技術門檻,中小型風力發電機多樣性用途亦獲市場青睞。目前台灣中小型風力發電產業已逐漸成型,在風力機組零件,如葉片、發電機、軸承、塔架、控制系統等相關零組件廠商皆已具備極高的技術水準,但經過實際在國立澎湖科技大學風力公園透過監測平台測試過的數款市售中小型風力發電機,證實許多經過實測的風機很難達到與原廠提供數據相符,有的連基本安全都無法達到,導致相當危險,有鑑於此,文主要目的在於分析一組風機葉片是否與廠商提供資料相符,並且提供分析與模擬方法,希望可藉由此方法達成與廠商資料做比對。 本文所採用的分析分成兩大部分,第一部分為葉片分析結果正確性的檢定,第二部分為檢視葉片結構。首先利用CFD計算軟體Fluent計算可得到葉片運轉時之功率係數(Cp),並且以二維軟體Foilsim與Fluent比較後以確認其功率係數之正確性,並且與廠商資料比對確認結果之後,可再經由Fluent算出各風速下之最佳功率係數所對應的轉速。第二部分為葉片結構檢視,利用有限元素計算軟體(ANSYS)可計算葉片受力情形,本文假設三種常用的葉片材料,分別是鋁合金、玻璃纖維與碳纖維,並模擬從低風速到高風速下之葉片受力情形,在考慮最大應力、葉片尖端變形量與製造成本之後,玻璃纖維在製作葉片上較為適合。To face of cut carbon and reduce costs is the global trend;green energy industry has become a new hot industry around the world. After a national long-term research and development, wind power equipment has been gradually becoming more mature. Compared to the huge market of large-scale wind turbines and technological barriers, small wind turbine market diversity of uses has also been favored. Small wind power industry in Taiwan has been gradually formed, in the wind turbine parts, such as blades, generators, bearings, towers, control systems and related component makers have possess with a high level of technology. But after the actual test runs at the National Penghu University Wind Park by the monitoring platform, shows that many turbines through the measured data is difficult to achieve in line with the original offer, and some cannot achieve even the basic safety factor. In view of this, the main purpose is to analyze the blades correspond with the manufacturers information and provide analysis and simulation methods, hoping to compare with the manufacturer’s data. The analysis used in this paper is divided into two parts; the first part is the accuracy of the analysis blade results, second part analysis the blade structure. First, the power factor (Cp) can be obtain by CFD software Fluent, and using two-dimensional software Foilsim to verify the results of CFD, and compared with manufacturers data. Fluent can calculate its optimum power factor under each wind speed corresponding to RPM (rotation per minute). The second part, using the finite element software (ANSYS) calculated the stress distribution on the blade, in this article assumes that three common blade material, aluminum, glass fiber and carbon fiber. The simulation calculated different wind speeds vary from low to high and observe the blade stress distribution. After considering the maximum stress, blade tip deformation and manufacturing costs, the glass fiber in the production of blades is more appropriate.2690888 bytesapplication/pdfen-US中小型風力發電機風力發電機葉片CFD葉片結構small wind turbineswind turbine bladesblade structure2KW風力發電機葉片效能評估與結構分析之研究The Study of the Performance evaluation and Structural analysis of 2KW Wind Turbine Bladethesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/252418/1/ntu-100-R98525097-1.pdf