駱明慶MING-CHING LUOH2018-09-102018-09-102002http://doi.org/10.6277/ter.2002.301.5http://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/299465Using student records between 1954 and 2000, this paper investigates the gender, ethnic and urban/rural composition of NTU students, and discusses the selection effect of the University Entrance Examination. First, the proportion of female students has been fairly close to that of male students since the late 1960s. This differs from the gender composition of college students generally for which female students consist of a smaller but increasing proportion of the student population. Second, 36% of NTU students are Mainlanders. Although the gap between Mainlanders and Taiwanese has decreased, it is still significant. Being a mainlander increase one’s prospects of becoming an NTU student more than it increases the prospect of simply becoming a college student. For the years 1997-2000, compared to a national average of 0.89%, the probability of becoming a NTU student for an 18-year-old in Taipei city is 3.06%, while the probability for Ta-An district is 6.10% and only 0.19% for Taitung county. The variation of the likelihood of entering NTU among counties is greater that that of entering colleges. In fact, the competition begins at an earlier stage where 82% of NTU students are from the top 20 senior high schools. In addition, regression results show that aggregate county level data can explain less that one-fifth of the variation. Moreover, data for the current students and the 18-to-22-year-old population, parents of NTU students are much better educated and are much more likely to be government employees, In contrast to the fact that college tuition is negatively associated with the examination scores, the probability of entering NTU is positively associated with family background. This casts doubts on the equity of college education in Taiwan.本文使用1954-2000年台大學生的學籍資料,描述台大學生的性別、省籍和城鄉差異,並探討大學聯考的篩選效果。首先,台大學生的女性比例在1960年代末期就已經和男性相當接近,此與一般大學生由男女大幅差異而逐漸接近的趨勢不同。在省籍分布方面,1954-1991年間,約36%的台大學生為外省籍。台大生為外省籍的比例雖逐漸下降,但36%的台大學生為外省籍。台大學生為外省籍的比例雖逐漸下降,但省籍間的差異仍然顯著存在。外省人在成為台大學生的優勢上,又比成為大學生的優勢為大。在城鄉差異方面,1997-2000年間,相較於全國平均的0.89%,3.06%的台北市人口和6.10%的大安區人口會成為台大學生,台東縣的比例則只有0.19%。各縣市成為台大學生機率的差異程度,也明顯大於各縣市成為大學生機率的差異程度。另一方面82%的台大學生來自前20所明星高中,受大學教育機會的篩選過程,在高中階段就已開始。此外,迴歸分析顯示,各縣市的家庭背景和教育支出等變數,僅能解釋不到五分之一的縣市差異。而台大法學院學生的背景資料顯示,42%的父親和27%的母親為大學畢業生,父親或母親為公教人員的比例高達42%,均遠高於大學生和一般人口的比例。綜合言之,考上大學與省籍,父母教育程度和居住在台北市或其他城市正相關,而考上台大與這些變數的相關程度又更大。對照低學費政策下學費成本與聯考分數大致呈負相關的現象,我國現行分配大學教育機會的方式,至少在學費負擔的公平性上是值得懷疑的。台灣大學性別省籍城鄉差異National Taiwan Universitygenderethnicityurban/rural discrepancy誰是台大學生?-性別、省籍與城鄉差異Who are NTU Students?-Differences across Ethnic and Gender Groups and Urban/Rural Discrepancyjournal article10.6277/ter.2002.301.5