2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714816<p>The Graduate Institute of Oral Biology has 7 faculty members.</p><p>The major research topics of Professor Chun-Pin Chiang are topical photodynamic treatment for oral precancers and early oral cancers.</p><p>The research of Associated Professor Kuo-Long Lou has been recently focused on the studies of structure and functional regulations of biomembranes and membrane proteins as well as the development of software for virtual drug screening and structural studies. </p><p>The research scope of Associate Professor Bor-Shiunn Lee focuses on material development, including interaction between laser and hard tissues, analysis and strength measurement of materials, crystalline structure of teeth, development of bone composite material, and development of dental membrane material.</p><p>The research scope of Assistant Professor Bei-En Chang focuses on developmental biology, including craniofacial, tooth, and bone development using transgenic approaches. Zebrafish and mouse, the major two vertebrate model animals, are employed in his studies.</p><p>The research interests of Assistant Professor Han-Yi E. Chou include biomedical application of nanomaterials and their interaction with oral cells as well as stress induced responses and their role in oral carcinogenesis.</p><p>The research topics of Assistant Professor Hsin-Ming Chen include clinical application and mechanism research of photodynamic therapy for oral potentially malignant disorders and oral cancer as well as studies on pathogenesis and treatment of oral submucous fibrosis.</p><p>The research interests of Assistant Professor Cheng-Chi Chang include epigenetic modification and mechanisms of metastasis in oral cancer, maintenance and identification of oral cancer stem cells/niche environment, and development of new small anti-angiogenesis protein drugs.</p><p>口腔生物科學的定位,是牙醫基礎科學加基礎生命科學,因此在口腔及口腔附近的各器官組織的生命科學,皆是這個所研究的範圍。其中包含生化學、生理學、生物學、解剖學、組織學、微免學乃至材料科學的研究。研究所教師們的研究與教學重點,以口腔及顏面組織為中心,而材料學方面的研究,則以生物醫材及材料理工學為主。</p> <p>口腔生物科學研究所招收的碩博士學生不限醫學院畢業生,更不限牙醫系畢業生,目的就在廣納多方面的基礎科學人才,但也希望有牙醫學系畢業生參加,以便落實口腔醫學的發展。</p>Oral Biology