2016-02-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/704722摘要:為協助國內營建業追上世界先進國家在BIM應用上的腳步,以提升產業競爭力,並配合科技部以產學聯盟推動產學合作的政策,臺大BIM研究中心乃於近期,在學校的行政協助下,成立「以BIM促進台灣營建產業升級聯盟」(簡稱台灣BIM聯盟),期望創造一個可供產官學研共同合作與資訊共享的平台,協助整合國內產官學研之力量與資源,以BIM技術提升台灣營建產業生產與創新的驅動力,達成營建產業具有國際競爭力之升級。 根據台灣BIM聯盟之章程,其組織架構中包含推動辦公室、諮議委員會、教研團及會員團體。台灣BIM聯盟由推動辦公室及教研團來提供業界會員各項服務,並成立諮議委員會來提供聯盟發展所需之諮詢建議。推動辦公室由臺大BIM研究中心負責營運,將以這些年來中心在推廣BIM技術的實務經驗,加上長期經營的產官學研良好合作關係,推動執行符合聯盟宗旨與任務之各項工作;教研團則由聯盟的夥伴會員所組成,負責協助聯盟發展各項教育活動與研發計畫。諮議委員會則針對聯盟發展之方向、策略、重點工作、經營管理等提供諮詢建議,並協助本聯盟執行任務時所需之各項審議工作。聯盟會員則依據入會費、可獲得聯盟提供之教育推廣、技術創新與交流、產業調查、諮詢服務等活動及投票權不同,分為:觀察會員、一般會員、特級會員及夥伴會員四種類型。台灣BIM聯盟的會務則以:會員服務、先進技術與產學合作、法規研擬和國際合作四大方向分組運作執行。 目前(2014年10月)台灣BIM聯盟已啟動約四個月了,已有二十幾個會員加入(包括10個繳費的一般會員),期望能透過策略聯盟與資源整合,共同提升國內營建產業的創新力量,逐步整合出具有BIM國際競爭力的台灣營建團隊,以求創造企業新價值,開拓營建產業新氣象,並期能揮軍國際市場。雖然目前此聯盟承蒙校方的行政支持已開始營運,但其營運服務主要還是延續臺大BIM研究中心過去的努力來加以擴大,透過各項專案教育訓練活動與產學合作計畫來支應營運所需經費,對於專案外但有益於整體產業之業務推動(例如標準與制度之研擬制訂、通用本土化BIM技術之研發等),則因人力與財力都還有限,而無法快速開展而達到一經濟規模。因此期望能得到此次的經費補助,來給予聯盟更大的初始動能,尤其是在人力資源與一些初始軟硬體投資方面,以利聯盟能快速地在未來的關鍵時間裡,提供產業升級所需的教育訓練與技術研發支 援,並在三年期的計畫結束時,達到聯盟能自給自足永續經營的目標。 <br> Abstract: To assist Taiwan’s construction industry to catch up with the advancement of applying BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology for improving its competitiveness and to support the Ministry of Science and Technology’s policy on academia-industry collaboration alliance, the BIM Research Center at National Taiwan University (NTU) has recently established “Alliance for BIM-enabled Upgrading of Taiwan Construction Industry” (Taiwan BIM Alliance, in short) to create a platform for the construction industry, government agencies, education institutes and research organizations to cooperate on BIM implementation and applications. It is hoped that the alliance can help upgrading the productivity, creativity and international competitiveness of Taiwan’s construction industry through the implementation and application of BIM technology. The Taiwan BIM Alliance has been operated since June 2014 based on its statutes which defines its organizational structure containing an executive office, an advisory committee, an education/research group, and a member group. The executive office, run by the NTU BIM Center, and the education/research group, consisting of selected academic partner institutions among members, provide all kinds of services to the members and the advisory committee gives suggestions on directions of alliance development. The members of the alliance are divided into four types: observer, general member, special member and partner, which pay different membership fees and enjoy different voting power and services in the alliance. Currently, the Taiwan BIM Alliance has over twenty members, including ten fee-paid general members. Although the Alliance can expand the continuous efforts being made by the NTU BIM Research Center to upgrade the competitiveness of Taiwan’s construction industry through BIM implementation and application, the resources of the NTU BIM Research Center are too limited to make a timely and significant enough impact. Therefore, it is hoped that this proposal can be successfully funded so that the Alliance can gain sufficient momentum with required resources to achieve its goals, including the one for being self-sufficient with sustainable business operations at the end of the three-year project.建築資訊塑模BIM營建產業升級產學聯盟Building Information ModelingBIMUpgrade of Construction IndustryAcademia-Industry Alliance以BIM技術促進臺灣營建產業升級產學聯盟(2/3)