王育雯2006-07-252018-05-292006-07-252018-05-292004-11-05http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/13895計畫年度:91;起迄日期:2002-08-01/2004-07-31中西方古代文獻都提及音樂對人身心所產生的重大影響。近年來,為數眾多的「音樂治療」以及所謂的「莫札特效應」之研究也有接近的發現。然而現今的音樂分析與詮釋卻很少由此一觀點出發,在分析樂音現象的同時,也能兼顧其所引發的身心效應。後者便是本計畫擬從事的方向。本計畫目的是在探討韓國傳統宮廷音樂《壽齊天》及其它類似的音樂──如中國的南管──中,其性靈的意義與價值如何形成,是藉由哪些樂音安排而做到的。其中所謂的「性靈價值觀」係指音樂能使人聆聽後,得到「氣度恢弘」、「莊嚴堂皇」、或「穩定、平和」的感受或經驗。由於《壽齊天》與南管音樂在文獻中之記載,以及樂人、計畫主持人與不少聽者之親身體驗中,常有這種精神性靈方面的感受。因此本計畫除參閱文獻中對這些音樂及其效果的描述外,特別針對《壽齊天》以及南管樂曲〈冬天寒〉在音高組織、旋律型態、節奏型態、音色/配器變化、力度變化、以及整體結構取向等方面進行全方位的分析。分析出的樂曲聲響結構,將由性靈意義之角度來詮釋,也就是聯繫到樂曲的莊嚴、偉大、優雅、細膩、穩定、平和,或是修身養性、陶冶性情等效果,以便能進一步理解音樂中性靈意義的可能成因。This project purports to investigate how the spiritual value and meaning of the Korean court music Sujech’on and music of similar effects (such as Chinese traditional nanguan music) are achieved through its sound organization. The “value of spirituality” here refers to a kind of majestic, elegant, stable and peaceful quality that a listener senses in a piece of music or feels to be affected by listening to it. Sujech’on and nanguan music are often said to have such spiritual value in documents, reports, and in experiences of musicians and listeners including myself. Therefore, this project will analyze Sujech’on and a nanguan piece “Dong Tian Han, ” in terms of their pitch and melodic organization, rhythmic patterns, timbre, dynamic changes, and the overall structure of Sujech’on. The result will then be interpreted from the perspective of spirituality. In other words, the analysis will be related to the “majestic, great, elegant, delicate, peaceful,” and/or even disposition regulating qualities indicated in documents and by musicians, in order to understand what kinds of musical processes contribute to the music’s spiritual quality.application/pdf98624 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學音樂學研究所音樂與性靈〈壽齊天〉〈冬天寒〉南管韓國宮廷音樂音樂分析音樂審美與評論music analysismusic and spiritualitySujech’onnanguan musicmusic aesthetics and criticism性靈價值觀與音樂分析─以《壽齊天》及相關樂曲為例Music Analysis and the Value of Spirituality—Sujech’on and Related Musical Piecesreporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/13895/1/912411H002069.pdf