2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714803<h4>Cornea section</h4><p>We focus on corneal transplantations, ocular surface reconstruction, corneal wound healing , corneal neovascularization (NV), corneal imaging, and corneal epithelial stem cells. The recent achievements are the discovery of novel treatment of corneal neovascularization with early injection of anti-VEGF monoclonal antibody ( bevacizumab ) for corneal pathologies with corneal NV and using in vivo confocal microscopy to detect corneal wound healing after corneal epithelial defect.</p><h4>Retina section</h4><p>We focus on the pathogenesis of proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) and treatments, including treatment modalities to accelerate clear-up of vitreous hemorrhage after vitrectomy, analyses of risk factors and exploration of therapeutic methods for recurrent vitreous hemorrhage after diabetic vitrectomy, and investigation of factors and cytokines involving in the pathogenesis of PDR.</p><h4>Ocular plastic section</h4><p>We focus on pathogenesis of thyroid eye disease (TED) and development of new therapeutic modalities. We study the role of cytokines, autoantigens, COX-2 and PPAR-r in the pathogenesis of TED. We also cultivate orbital fat fibroblast and extraocular muscle to further investigate the mechanism of orbital fat proliferation and enlargement of extraocular muscle in TED.</p><h4>Pediatric ophthalmology section</h4><p>We focus on myopia and amblyopia in preschool children. We have been engaging in the research of the prevalence of myopia among school children in Taiwan for more than 25 years. In addition, hereditary and/or environmental factors causing myopia are also to be analyzed. We actively participate in the nation-wide vision-screening program by using NTU random-dot stereogram and vision chart for kindergarten teachers to screen the small kids for strabismus and/or amblyopia.</p><p>眼科部成立於1897年3月,為台大醫院第三個設立的科。</p> <p>檢查和治療項目豐富且精細,服務量相當可觀,亦不斷引進新穎設備和技術,與國外先進國家眼科相較,毫不遜色;目前功能分科上分為眼角膜科、視網膜科、小兒眼科及屈調科、眼整型科、神經眼科、青光眼科與葡萄膜炎科七科。</p> <p>目前之發展方向,醫療方面在於積極引進最先進醫療技術,以提昇醫療服務品質;學術發展則著重發展和本土相關眼疾之課題、進行眼疾在創新治療、基因體醫學及分子生物學層級的研究;對醫學生之教學除了課堂授課外,並加強臨床教學及微創手術的訓練,並製作教學錄影帶輔助教學;住院醫師採取循序漸進之訓練方式,訓練內容包括臨床診療、手術訓練和研究能力培養,為國內培育術德學養兼修的眼科專科醫師。</p> <p>本部未來將百尺竿頭更進一步,貢獻於社會外,更以揚名於國際眼科領域為目標。</p>Ophthalmology-NTUH