臺灣大學: 建築與城鄉研究所劉可強劉育珊Yu-Shan, LiuLiuYu-Shan2013-03-212018-06-292013-03-212018-06-292011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/249360天時、地利、人和的條件配合之下,大雅自日治時期延續種麥至今,是台灣唯一大面積種植小麥的鄉鎮。國家糧食政策的走向,牽動了小麥栽培的品種、技術革新與栽培管理方式,以及小麥後端加工利用產業之轉變,也形塑了農友對小麥的文化認知。今日,大雅小麥的存續完全依繫於金門農業之保護政策,大雅農友收成後,先經由農會收購,再轉賣到金門農試所,作為金門農友栽培的種原。 2004年,地方社團與農會開始舉辦小麥文化節,小麥這個非主要產業成為地方互動的核心,逐漸建構地方居民「大雅」等於「小麥的故鄉」之認同,並浮現了小麥在地商品化的契機,地方開始推出各式文化創意產業商品、恢復小麥加工再利用。 地方、國家、全球尺度的結構制約,分別作用於小麥生產網絡中的生產、加工、二次加工者。由地方二次加工者於文化節後串連起的新生產網絡可知,在地論述有助於突破全球尺度制約,使在地食物賣出價值,但其行動是有侷限的,尤其是國家尺度的結構制約,致使小麥生產及磨粉加工之品質難以精進。 小麥這個原本沒有市場價格的作物,經「文化化」後再「商品化」,但文化論述的包裝,無法掩蓋農業生產的本質是一項經濟活動。倘若沒有經濟誘因,將難以驅使農友生產品質轉向,而小麥生產若無法隨著新生產網絡的建構與產品用途轉變而作調整,將囿限其發展。Following the Japanese ruling period’s tradition, Daya is one of the major wheat production areas in Taiwan. So far, it’s the only township which continues planting wheat in large-scale. The evolving national food policy in Taiwan has greatly affects the improvement of the wheat varieties, the cultivation methods and technology innovation, and also the utilization of wheat industries. Farmer’s awareness of wheat production culture is also shaped through this process. To date, the tradition of wheat industry in Daya ramins heavily depending on Kinmen county government’s agricultural protection policy. In 2004, local communities initiated “Wheat Festival” and it gradually constructed the local resident’s awareness of “Daya” as “the home of wheat”. Soon after this event, the opportunity of commercialize wheat production has been prioritize in local agenda. In addition to continuing applying wheat as major food source, various cultural creativity activities began to be introduced in either translated into the promotion or product. Three different scales-local, national, global-act as structure constraints and affect wheat production network among the production, processors, and secondary processors. In this case study, we identified the new network built among the secondary processors can be used as local discourse to sell out the local food; however, this action is limited in terms of the structural constraints at the national level. The wheat production in Daya is under the agricultural protection policy thus not affected by market price. After the “Wheat Festival”, here comes acculturation and then commercialization. The cultural discourses reveal that agricultural production cannot be separated from economic activity. Without economic incentives, it is hard to motivate farmers to adopt better cultivation methods. Last, the wheat production is further constrained if the production cannot be adjusted with new production network.3670890 bytesapplication/pdfen-US產業文化在地化在地農業食物系統鄉村發展大雅小麥industrial culturelocalizationlocal food systemrural developmentDayawheat[SDGs]SDG2[SDGs]SDG9出麥或出賣?-大雅小麥產業發展歷程Mai or Mai? -The Historical Development of the Wheat Industry in Daya, Taiwanthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/249360/1/ntu-100-R97544015-1.pdf