2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714750NTU Graduate Institute of Building and Planning was established in 1988. Formerly it was the Studio of Urban Planning founded in 1975 under the Graduate Institute of Civil Engineering, headed by Prof. Shen-Tao Mao who had thence bestowed the spiritual name“Legend of the Mountain” to the Institute. The objectives of our Master program are to integrate various disciplines associated with spatial-social studies and to train “professional generalists” who are able to engage in practice. Ph.D. students are required to take on independent researches and to obtain professional teaching capability. The Institute encourages international, interschool, and interdisciplinary cooperation and communication. Therefore, we offer international studios and practicum to cultivate cross-disciplinary and cross-boundary learning in order to cope with real issues such as globalization, conservation, and community building as well as the social practice of planning and design. Future research approaches of the Institute will deepen the on-going discourses and studies of livable city, sustainable planning and building, cultural landscapes, ecological design and planning, regional development and strategy, low-carbon urban planning, human-environment relations, gender and space, settlement preservation, architectural theories, cultural creative industry, etc. to facilitate the Institute as a critical node of global academic researches and spatial practices.建築與城鄉研究所(包含前身:台大土木系都市計畫室)在1970年代率先在各地社區從事民眾參與式規劃。 解嚴前,就接受黨外縣長陳定南委託研擬《宜蘭縣綜合發展計畫》,開啟了噶瑪蘭傳奇。 第一個以系所名義參與學運的團體。 與政府合作,參與多個縣市的綜合發展計畫;同時從無住屋運動、三月學運、反強迫拆遷、樂生院保留運動,到反服貿運動,都可以見到城鄉所師生的積極身影。Building and PlanningAcademic Institute