眼科YU, CHI-YUNCHI-YUNYUSHIH, YUNG-FENGYUNG-FENGSHIHLIN, LUKE, LONG-KUANGLUKE, LONG-KUANGLINHUNG, POR-TYINGPOR-TYINGHUNGHOU, PING-KANGPING-KANGHOU游霽雲施永豐林隆光洪伯廷侯平康2009-01-192018-07-122009-01-192018-07-121994http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/99462  Steroid hormones had been suggested to involve in the degenerations of collagen which might affect the structure and elasticity of sclera. The sclera of posterior pole of high myopia showed thinning and degeneration of collagen fibers. Does steroid hormones play some role in the production of higt myopia? We collected 37 high myopic patients (11 male, 26 female) and 20 nonmyopes for controls. The serum level of cortisol, testosterone, β-estradiol and 24 hours urine contents of 17 Ketosteroid were studied. The results showed no significant difference between high myopes and nonmyopes (p>0.1). Thus, the hypnoses of hormone imbalance could not be an important factor in the production or progression of myopia.#0532#en-USStudy of β-Estradiol, Cortisol and Testosterone on High Myopes近視患 者血中β-Estradiol, Cortisol和testosterone荷爾蒙之研究