文學院: 藝術史研究所指導教授: 謝明良王亮鈞Wang, Liang-ChungLiang-ChungWang2017-03-062018-05-292017-03-062018-05-292015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/277463近十多年來,學界對於清宮傳世紫砂壺的討論,日趨漸增。本論文從研究史的角度,嘗試以清宮傳世盛清時期的紫砂壺,說明康熙、雍正、乾隆三帝,如何藉由紫砂壺,展演各自的品味。為了凸顯清宮的特殊性,本論文先就晚明紫砂壺的發展,予以說明,包含紫砂器的起源、紫砂壺與晚明文人的味覺品味等議題。針對紫砂器與金屬器造型、用途的比對,說明兩者密切的關係。進一步,將紫砂壺置於晚明飲食史的脈絡,闡述紫砂壺的興起乃至成為瀹茶器具的典範,實與晚明文人以不同的品茗風尚,作為群體劃分的手段有關。 儘管學界大多關注康熙朝宜興胎畫琺瑯所見的琺瑯彩繪,本論文將試著補充宜興胎之所以為清宮畫琺瑯試驗材質之一,或與晚明文人鑑賞紫砂壺的品味有關。透過歐洲紅陶畫琺瑯與宜興胎畫琺瑯的比較,後者器身施罩透明釉或紅色彩料的裝飾特徵,應曾受到前者的啟發。此外,根據雍正、乾隆朝《活計檔》與傳世實物的比對,可知雍正頗喜愛紫砂壺,屢次要求景德鎮御窯廠,照樣仿燒;乾隆則以其他材質的形制,作為紫砂壺的樣式來源。藉由乾隆御製詩作的耙梳,或可推知乾隆朝紫砂壺的成做,實受到晚明文人品味的影響。另外,本論文亦嘗試疏理紫砂壺外銷歐洲、日本、琉球等地區時,對各地瓷窯的發展,產生了什麼樣的影響。最後,藉由日本與琉球地區傳世、出土所見的作品,反思以往所謂迎合歐洲品味紫砂壺之說。For the past decade, there has been an intensified discussion on the Yixing Zisha teapot in the Qing imperial collection in the academia. This thesis seeks to demonstrate from a historical studies’ perspective, by focusing on the Yixing Zisha teapot in High Qing court, how Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong emperors used the said teapot to express each of their unique ascetic tastes. In order to emphasize the unique qualities of the Yixing Zisha teapot in the imperial court, this thesis will first explain the development of the Yixing Zisha teapot in the late Ming Dynasty, including, but not limited to, the origin of the Yixing Zisha pottery, and the relation between the Yixing Zisha teapot and the late Ming literati’s palate and ascetic tastes. This thesis will further compare and contrast the usage and design of the Yixing Zisha pottery and other metal wares produced in the same historical period, and explain the close relationship between the two. Further, this thesis will analyze the rise in popularity of the Yixing Zisha teapot in the context of the culinary history of the late Ming dynasty. Close analysis indicates that the Yixing Zisha teapot came to establish itself as the quintessence of tea ware due to the various tea tasting trends among the late Ming literati, and how the literati used these differences to create class distinction among themselves. Although the academia has been focused largely on the painted enamels(Yixing body) produced during the Kangxi period, this thesis seeks to demonstrate that the imperial court’s decision to use Yixing body as a material to produce painted enamels was in fact influenced by the late Ming literati’s high appreciation of the Yixing Zisha teapot. This thesis also seeks to show that the painted enamels(Yixing body) have been influenced by the European stoneware painted enamels – a close comparison of European stoneware painted enamels and the painted enamels(Yixing body) reveals that the latter shares features such as transparent glaze layer or decorative red paints as the former. Further, by comparing written records on the Yixing Zisha teapot in the Archives of Imperial Workshop (Huo Ji Dang) of the Yongzheng and Qianlong periods with the existing Yixing Zisha teapot, it is evident that Yongzheng was very fond of the Yixing Zisha teapot. For example, records show that Yongzheng requested the Jingdezheng Imperial Kiln to produce Yixing Zisha teapots of the same design several times. In contrast to Yongzheng’s fondness for a particular design, Qianlong on the other hand, ordered the Yixing Zisha teapot to be created from various materials, and wanted the designs of the teapots to be inspired by the unique forms and shapes of various materials used. Qianlong’s poetry indicates that the Yixing Zisha teapot produced during his reign was heavily influenced by the taste of the late Ming literati. Lastly, this thesis will examine the effect of the exportation of the Yixing Zisha teapot to Europe, Japan and the Ryuku region on the pottery production of each region. Additionally, by looking at the existing Yixing Zisha teapots found in Japan and the Ryuku region, this thesis attempts to examine whether the following existing theories regarding the Yixing Zisha teapot hold true: the Yixing Zisha teapot designs have evolved to cater towards western taste.論文公開時間: 2999/12/31論文使用權限: 不同意授權清宮造辦處紫砂壺宜興畫琺瑯文人品味交流Qing courtImperial workshopYixing Zisha teapotPainted enamelsScholar’s tasteInteraction清宮傳世紫砂壺及相關問題Yixing Zisha Teapot in the Qing Imperial Collection and ?Relevant Issuesthesis