周善瑜臺灣大學:商學研究所吳奕慧Wu, I-HueiI-HueiWu2010-06-012018-06-292010-06-012018-06-292009U0001-1006200912550300http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/184542在變化更迭的實務環境中,管理者對於益發難以掌握的消費者需求格外重視。這些需求不確定相關的管理議題,代表廠商缺乏消費者保留價格或消費者人數等需求資訊。儘管Honda、任天堂和戴爾電腦紛紛因未能及時因應或善用需求不確定來調整行銷策略而付出慘痛的代價,但既存之學術文獻仍相當匱乏,因而啟發了本研究欲深入探討需求不確定下廠商應如何修正其通路策略、價格折扣策略與推廣策略,以試圖在填補研究缺口之際,提供管理實務上可用之建言。 本研究以需求不確定下廠商最適行銷策略為主軸,共計包含三項主題,依序為網路共同零售商機制的設計(研究一)、價格折扣策略(研究二)與網路折價券策略(研究三)。 首先,在網路共同零售商機制設計(研究一)方面,本研究特將觀察到之Priceline通路上產品具不確定性的特色,以及讓部分合作航空公司持股的現象納入考量。本研究認為前者有助於廠商針對保留價格不同且售前服務需求迥異的顧客進行差別取價,並讓消費者承擔高度不確定的「缺點」轉變成廠商獲利的利器。而後者即持股制度則代表航空公司接單與否攸關Priceline的獲利,從而也影響反饋的股利,故持股制度無疑重組航空公司間的競合結構。而本研究首度將Priceline持股制度納進行銷策略分析,以嘗試整合行銷與財務的跨領域知識,重新探索Priceline與航空公司間的互動關係,並在其對上游航空服務提供廠商競爭態勢與垂直通路協調性的議題提出新見解。 本研究建構一賽局模型進行分析,顯示出Priceline此類網路共同零售商具備一般公司網站所無法取代的策略性角色,並已獲致以下之重要結果:. 僅有實體零售通路時放棄服務低端消費者的服務提供廠商,在高端消費者通路移轉誘因問題較輕微或高端消費者較多的行銷環境中,可透過網路共同零售商提供具不確定性之產品的通路特性,產生差別取價功能,從而拓展服務市場、提升獲利與通路效率性。此時網路共同零售商有助於服務提供廠商獲得卡特爾(Cartel)狀態且垂直整合通路下的高額利潤。且網路共同零售商可在不減損消費者剩餘的前提下提升廠商獲利,故可提升整體社會福利。. 僅有實體零售通路時放棄服務低端消費者的服務提供廠商,即便在高端消費者通路移轉誘因問題較嚴重且高端消費者較少的行銷環境中,只要售前服務成本夠高,仍可運用網路共同零售商,從而拓展服務市場、提升獲利與通路效率性。此時網路共同零售商有助於服務提供廠商獲得卡特爾狀態且垂直整合通路下的高額利潤。且網路共同零售商可在不減損消費者剩餘的前提下提升廠商獲利,故可提升整體社會福利。. 僅有實體零售通路時因欲服務低端消費者而陷入激烈價格競爭的服務提供廠商,在高端消費者夠多或售前服務成本夠高時,新增網路共同零售通路未必產生通路競食問題(cannibalization)。網路共同零售商反而能發揮跨通路減緩上游競爭的功效,並提升通路協調性達到完美的程度。. 網路共同零售商的規模越大,消費者未能購得理想產品的機率越高。因此不同規模之網路共同零售商的出現,有助於服務提供廠商利用多重通路針對品牌偏好強度不同的消費者進行顧客分流。傳統旅行社、較少服務提供者加入的小規模網路共同零售商、較多服務提供者加入的大規模網路共同零售商等三種通路分別服務高端、中端、低端這三類品牌偏好強度依序遞減的消費者,且三種通路上的訂價也依序遞減。. 透過網路共同零售商機制的持股制度與消費者主動出價的「Name-Your-Own-Price」制度,可讓具有產能限制的競爭廠商模仿卡特爾狀態下的最適訂價策略,從而獲致較卡特爾狀態下未使用網路共同零售商機制時更高的期望利潤。. 較難以創造新產品的旅遊服務提供廠商,可利用網路共同零售商的通路特性創造新產品,產生似產品線向下延伸的效果。 在價格折扣策略(研究二)方面,本研究因實務與學術上雙重因素而引發研究需求不確定下雙佔廠商折扣策略的動機。需求不確定是指廠商缺乏消費者人數的需求資訊,而資訊不對稱代表兩家廠商在消費者人數之需求資訊上擁有程度不同,如僅一家廠商知曉確實的需求狀態而另一家廠商卻缺乏需求資訊。在實務上,需求不確定與資訊不對稱對廠商折扣策略的影響十分普遍,然卻缺乏一套提供企業經營者面對需求不確定時如何調整價格折扣策略以因應競爭的具體做法,故構成本研究欲深究此議題的動機之一。另一方面,在學理上亦存在尚待新價格折扣理論解釋的有趣現象。Narasimhan(1988)以賽局模型發展的理論主張忠誠顧客比例較高的廠商在降價搶奪游移顧客上屈居劣勢,故較忠誠顧客人數較少的廠商將制定出較高的平均價格且較少打折。但後續不少研究陸續顯示與Narasimhan(1988)結果不甚一致的結論,即忠誠顧客較多的廠商打折頻率更加頻繁或採取較激烈的價格折扣。這些意外的結果反映出研究者須以Narasimhan(1988)的模型為基礎加以延伸,捕捉重要的新元素方能解釋諸多非預期的廠商折扣實證行為。但既存文獻往往忽略需求不確定與資訊不對稱對廠商折扣策略衍生的劇烈影響,形成一深富意義的研究缺口,也啟發本研究的分析動機和確立研究的核心主軸。 因此本研究以Narasimhan(1988)的模型為基礎,納入需求不確定與資訊不對稱等反應實際現象的重要元素進行分析,以便獲致更符合真實管理實務的結論,並獲致以下之重要結果:. 資訊不對稱可能有助於兩廠商達到柏瑞圖改善(Pareto improvement)的均衡。. 受害於資訊不對稱,擁有資訊優勢且忠誠顧客較少的廠商可能喪失完全資訊時享有降價搶奪游移顧客包袱較輕的優勢,從而降低獲利。. 資訊不對稱導致忠誠顧客較少的廠商相較於忠誠顧客較多的廠商反而可能訂定較高的一般價格,並較少打折。. 資訊優勢可扭轉廠商在搶奪游移顧客狀態上的劣勢。此時資訊不對稱降低兩廠商打折的誘因,並降低資訊劣勢廠商忠誠顧客和游移顧客的消費者剩餘。. 當高需求發生機率較高或高需求時游移顧客人數眾多時,處於資訊劣勢的廠商反而可能因缺乏資訊而提升獲利,而擁有資訊優勢的廠商卻可能因競爭對手缺乏資訊而降低獲利。此時資訊不對稱導致在低需求時忠誠顧客少的廠商相較於忠誠顧客多的廠商反而可能訂定較高的一般價格。. 在游移顧客人數較多時,資訊不對稱可能降低游移顧客被服務到的可能性。 最後,本研究進行一關於需求不確定下雙佔廠商最適網路折價券策略之研究(研究三)。本研究從過往文獻與實務報導中歸納出三項網路折價券與折價券網站的重要效果―差別取價、資訊學習以及廣告效果,其中後兩項效果分別代表網路折價券有助於廠商了解需求狀態和拓展消費市場潛量。本研究整合以上三項效果,探討此三項效果如何交互影響廠商推出網路折價券的誘因,並進一步分析網路折價券策略對廠商價格折扣決策的影響。本研究嘗試針對需求不確定如何影響廠商網路折價券策略提出全新的觀點,提供實務界增進獲利的具體做法,並能填補目前網路折價券及折價券網站相關之行銷理論缺口。 研究三獲致之結果包括:. 給定忠誠顧客人數與游移顧客人數為負相關時,若發行網路折價券無須成本,則兩家廠商可能皆發行網路折價券,而享有網路折價券伴隨之差別取價、資訊學習與廣告效果等三項效益。. 給定忠誠顧客人數與游移顧客人數為正相關時,即便發行網路折價券無須成本,但仍可能因資訊學習效果的負面影響,使得兩廠商中僅有忠誠顧客較少的廠商發行網路折價券。. 給定忠誠顧客人數與游移顧客人數為正相關時,即便發行網路折價券無須成本,但仍可能因資訊學習效果的負面影響,導致兩家廠商都不發行網路折價券。. 當對手廠商利用不發行網路折價券作為將進行激烈價格折扣競爭的承諾時,廠商透過發行網路折價券獲得需求資訊可能反而降低獲利。. 廣告效果的強烈程度不影響各狀況下忠誠顧客較多之廠商的期望利潤,但忠誠顧客較少之廠商的期望利潤會隨著廣告效果增強而提升。. 當兩家廠商都發行網路折價券時,兩家廠商完全清楚自己所處的需求狀況。則網路折價券面額越高,各需求狀況中忠誠顧客較少之廠商打折的頻率越低,但忠誠顧客較多之廠商打折的頻率越高。而網路折價券面額大小不影響各狀況下忠誠顧客較多之廠商的期望利潤,但忠誠顧客較少之廠商的期望利潤會隨著網路折價券面額的增加而減少。. 網路折價券策略與價格折扣策略具有互補性,即發行網路折價券的廠商相較於未發行網路折價券的廠商,打折頻率較低且折扣深度較淺。This research focuses on online marketing strategies in imperfect competition under demand uncertainty and addresses the issues of the optimal internet common outlet design, the price dealing, and the e-coupon strategies.n Essay 1, we attempt to analyze the optimal design of the internet common outlet by considering the roles of opaque products and the ownership in channel coordination. The existing research generally regards the internet common outlets like priceline.com as the types of encroachment that online retailers employ to hurt service providers such as airlines and hotels. In contrast, this paper applies a different perspective that suggests service providers may benefit by joining an internet common outlet as a shareholder instead of developing their own online channel. We build a game-theoretic model to show the impacts of the internet common outlet and derive the following main results.. The presence of the internet common outlet allows service providers to adopt the optimal pricing strategies that mimic a perfectly colluded cartel’s pricing strategy. The internet common outlet can help service providers to discriminate different consumers much better and to serve more consumers because the products traded on this new channel are opaque. Surprisingly, the internet common outlet may improve service providers’ profits, the whole channel efficiency, and even the total social welfare without reducing the consumer’s welfare.. The mismatching problem becomes more serious with the size of an internet common outlet. Three kinds of consumers, the high-valuation consumers with strong brand preference, the medium-valuation consumers with weak brand preference, and the low-valuation consumers with no brand preference will be served respectively at the physical travel agency, small-sized internet common outlet, and large-sized internet common outlet.. Both of the ownership and the bidding system, “Name-Your-Own-Price,” facilitate service providers to adopt the optimal pricing strategies that mimic a perfectly colluded cartel’s pricing strategy, and make them earn even greater than in the cartel case without the internet common outlet.. The service providers hard to develop a whole new product can create new opaque goods on the internet common outlet to extend their product lines downward. In Essay 2, we try to build a theory of the price dealing with asymmetric information and intend to analyze the effects of information asymmetry on the duopolists’ price dealing strategies, the firms’ profits, and the welfare of consumers. We consider a model where two risk neutral firms (i.e., expected profits maximizers) are faced with three segments of consumers: the switchers who regard the two products as perfect substitutes and two kinds of loyal customers to each firm. Assume that the informed firm realizes the exact populations of the switchers and the loyal customers to each firm, but the other uninformed firm does not. We show that the equilibrium price dealing behavior is dramatically affected by the presence of information asymmetry and derive the following main results.. Information asymmetry may lead to a Pareto-improving equilibrium for the two firms.. In the full information case, the firm with smaller loyal base gains the competitive advantage to attract the switchers. However, the presence of information asymmetry can eliminate this competitive advantage of the informed company which has fewer loyal customers, and therefore decreases its profits. In other words, the information asymmetry moderates the impacts of brand loyal base on the competitive price promotional strategies.. Owing to the information asymmetry, the firm with smaller loyal base may set a higher regular price and promote less frequently than the firm with more loyal customers (i.e., the larger firm).. The information superiority can offset the inferiority of grabbing the switchers to the larger firm. In that case, the information asymmetry reduces the firms’ dealing frequency, and thus makes the switchers worse off.. The Information asymmetry may benefit the uninformed firm and hurt the informed firm’s profits. In Essay 3, we study duopolists’ optimal e-coupon strategies by extending the model in Essay 2. We combine the price discrimination, advertising, and information learning effects of e-coupon and assume that switchers always download the e-coupons but loyal customers do not. The main results are summarized as follows.. In the case where the loyal base is negatively correlated with the size of switchers, both firms will offer e-coupons when offering e-coupons costs nothing.. In the case where the loyal base is positively correlated with the size of switchers, there may exist an equilibrium where only the firm with fewer loyal customers or even neither of firms will offer e-coupons when offering e-coupons costs nothing.. Information learning may reduce the informed firm’s profits when the uninformed rival can commit to adopt an aggressive pricing strategy by refusing to offer e-coupons.. The greater the advertising effect, the higher the expected profits of the firm with fewer loyal customers. However, the magnitude of advertising effect does not affect the expected profits of the firm with more loyal customers.. In the subgame that both firms offer e-coupons, both the price dealing frequency and the expected profits of the firm with fewer loyal customers decreases with the face value of e-coupon. However, the frequency of the price dealing of the firm with more loyal customers increases in the face value of e-coupon. The magnitude of the face value of e-coupon has no impacts on the expected profits of the firm with more loyal customers.. The firm offering e-coupons may promote less frequently than the firm refusing to offer e-coupons.中文摘要 01文摘要 05錄 08目錄 10一章 緒論 11一節 研究動機、目的與主要結果 11二節 論文架構 17二章 研究一:需求不確定下雙佔廠商的最適網路共同零售商機制設計 18一節 文獻探討 18二節 模型設定 19三節 均衡分析與結果 22四節 延伸與討論 35三章 研究二:需求不確定對雙佔廠商最適價格折扣策略之影響 44一節 文獻探討 44二節 模型設定 46三節 均衡分析與結果 48四節 討論 81四章 研究三:需求不確定下雙佔廠商的最適網路折價券策略 86一節 文獻探討 86二節 模型設定 87三節 均衡分析與結果 88五章 結論 114考文獻 116錄 125application/pdf4056813 bytesapplication/pdfen-US需求不確定網路行銷策略競合關係網路共同零售商設計價格折扣網路折價券策略Demand uncertaintyOnline marketing strategiesImperfect competitionInternet common outlet designPrice dealingE-coupon strategy需求不確定下廠商網路行銷策略與競合關係之研究Essays on Online Marketing Strategies in Imperfect Competition under Demand Uncertaintythesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/184542/1/ntu-98-D93741003-1.pdf