社會科學院: 政治學研究所指導教授: 林子倫蘇俐盈Su, Li-YingLi-YingSu2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273693現今地方作為國家和國際氣候目標落實之中介者與推動者,正以一快速增強之速度,追求自身的永續發展議程。其追求過程中所關注之焦點,即在於推動地方再生能源的發展,尋求確保地方能源安全,達至能源自主與生態保護,同時增加地方財政與就業機會,進而達到環境與經濟上的永續。而為了能增加吾人對於地方型再生能源之運作,以及地方如何推動和維繫該一再生能源發電計畫的瞭解,本文嘗試以長野縣飯田市的太陽光發電事業為個案,進行深入的研究。 於文獻探討後,本文即以文獻內容作為後續分析之基礎,從地方型再生能源之運作型態與Ansell & Gash之協力治理模型,建構出本文的研究架構。而研究結果發現,飯田市太陽光發電事業於運作上係屬社會企業型此一運作型態,並且也具備了地方再生能源發電計畫順利推行所須的協力要素。最後受研究發現之啟發,本文提出相關建議,期望能夠成為未來推動地方型再生能源之參考。Today, “local” has become the mediator and facilitator for the implementation of national and international climate goals, as well as pursued its own sustainable development agenda rapidly. Its goals are to promote the development of local renewable energy, to seek to ensure local energy security, to achieve energy autonomy and ecological protection, to increase local income and employment opportunities, and thus to achieve the environmental and socioeconomic sustainability. In order to increase the understanding of local renewable energy and developing renewable energy projects, this research attempts to conduct a case study on the solar photovoltaic power project of Iida city. After reviewing the related literature, this research uses business models of local renewable energy and the model of collaborative governance by Ansell and Gash(2008) to construct the framework of research. Finally, the findings reveal that the solar photovoltaic power project of Iida city belongs to a social enterprise models and has collaborative variables. Inspired by the findings, this research proposes some suggestions for the development of local renewable energy in the future.論文使用權限: 不同意授權地方型再生能源協力治理長野縣飯田市太陽光發電事業Local renewable energyCollaborative governanceIida citySolar photovoltaic power project[SDGs]SDG7[SDGs]SDG11[SDGs]SDG13地方型再生能源發展模式之探討──以長野縣飯田市為個案An Analysis on the Development of Local Renewable Energy: A Case Study of Iida Citythesis10.6342/NTU201602852