工學院: 土木工程學研究所指導教授: 詹穎雯盧毓源Lou, Iok-UnIok-UnLou2017-03-132018-07-092017-03-132018-07-092016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/278059活性粉混凝土自1994 年法國首次發表以來,由於其優異的性質展現,引發歐美及日本等先進國家積極投入研究與發展,後續更將之引用於橋梁工程興建,均獲得良好評價。臺灣地區氣候潮濕污染嚴重,結構物老劣化快速,而且天然資源匱乏、地小人稠、土地高度開發使用,將RPC 材料應用於橋梁工程,可縮小構件斷面尺寸、減輕上部結構自重影響,同時減少材料用量,同時,低滲透的高耐久特性並能抑制鹽害侵蝕、延長橋梁使用壽命。 本研究分為兩大主軸,第一部分為RPC之力學性質與耐久性之研究。力學性質結論是高溫養護可以在7天養護齡期內使材料強化至最佳程度,在常溫養護下強度會隨著養護齡期增加同樣會到達如高溫養護之效果,其發展在56天齡期後漸漸趨緩,到了90天齡期常溫養護之力學表現與高溫養護相差無幾。另外,耐久性方面之結論為RPC無論在乾縮與潛變等體積穩定性方面或是抗氯離子與抗中性化等內部結構緻密性等表現與OPC比較都非常優異,其歸功於RPC高溫養護可加速試體水化反應與卜作嵐反應,減少因水分散失而產生之變形和在短期內形成高緻密性的內部結構,添加鋼纖維也可以增加對混凝土內部之握裹力,對維持體積之穩定有良好的效果。 第二部分為利用第一階段所取得的各項材料參數,進行橋梁上結構之試設計,以「公路橋梁設計與規範」為設計與檢核依據,對該設計進行規範中的載重、預力損失、容許應力和極限狀態等檢核,其試設計結果良好,在縮減斷面尺寸、自重和預力損失方面比OPC有更優異之表現,最後評估與調整原有配比在預鑄工法的可行性,並製作實尺寸試體進行試驗並回饋試設計分析之準確性。The reactive powder concrete (RPC) was first published by French in 1994 and it had been widely applied in bridge engineering in advance countries such as Europe and Japan due to its great properties. In Taiwan, the climate is hot and humid and it would deteriorate the old structure rapidly. On the other hand, Taiwan is highly developed area and lack of land resource. If we applied RPC in superstructure of bridges, both the member section and the self weight would be reduced. Simultaneously, the low permeability can inhibit the chloride attack and prolong the service life of the bridge. This study is divided into two parts. The fisrt part will find out the mechanical properties and durability properties of RPC. The conclusion of mechanical properties of RPC is that under high temperature(90℃) curing, the strength can reach the optimal value at age of 7 days. On the other hand, under room temperature curing, the compressive strength will increase with the increasing curing period and will reach the same strength as that under high temperature curing. The development of strength will slowed down after the age of 56 days and the performance between high temperature and room temperature will reach the same level at age of 90 days. In addition, the conclusion of durability properties of RPC is that the performances in both stability of volume and the compactness of internal structure are better compared with the performaces of OPC. It is contributed to the accelerated hydration and pozzolanic of RPC under high temperature curing, which reduce the water loss and form a dense internal structure in a short period. At the same time, adding steel fiber can also increase the internal bonding strength to keep its volume stable. Secondly, the material parameters of RPC obtained in the first part are used to design a superstructure of bridge and check whether the superstructure passes the recommendation adopted in Taiwan. According to the recommendation adopted in Taiwan, the loading, the prestressed losses and ultimate capacity are calculated, and it is showed that the prestreesed loss of RPC superstructure is of better performance than the one with OPC. Also, applying RPC can reduce the size of section and self weight. Finally, the original mix proportion is adjusted and the possibility of the precast segmental method is also evaluated. Moreover, a real size specimen is casted and tested in this study. The accuracy of the analysis of the design is reserved.5191557 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2018/8/24論文使用權限: 同意無償授權活性粉混凝土高強度高耐久性預力橋梁上部結構Reactive powder concreteprestressed concretesuperstructure of bridge以活性粉混凝土應用於橋梁工程上部結構之評估研究Feasibility Study of Reactive Powder Concrete Applied in Superstructure of Bridgesthesis10.6342/NTU201602396http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/278059/1/ntu-105-R03521218-1.pdf