法律學院: 法律學研究所指導教授: 李建良賈蓓恩Chia, Pei-EnPei-EnChia2017-03-032018-07-052017-03-032018-07-052015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273471本論文「公法上不法結果除去請求之權利建構與訴訟實踐」所欲探討者,主要研析公法上不法結果除去請求權之權利內涵,以及於我國行政訴訟上行使之相關議題。 「不法結果除去請求權」此一由德國行政法學理所創設之概念,旨在使人民權利受違法公權力侵害時,得為除去違法結果之主張,並請求回復至權利受侵害前之狀態,此一權利源自憲法基本權利之防禦權功能,旨在貫徹法治國原則之精神。 自其權利內涵面向,得延伸探討之問題則為「不法結果除去請求權」倘因符合若干排除事由無法實現,得否將之轉換為以適度金錢補償為內涵之「結果補償請求權」。關此部分,我國法尚無直接規範,惟德國於其國家責任法制下,針對「不法結果除去請求權」無以實踐之際,則有此討論與倡議。基此,本論文擬以德國學說與實務見解為基礎,探討其延伸權利「結果補償請求權」之制度發展、理論依據與內涵等議題,期能作為我國學理與實務之參考。 不法結果除去請求權於我國行政訴訟上之實踐,乃本論文另一聚焦重點,本論文此部分援引德國行政法院法規範,作為此請求權於我國訴訟行使與訴訟類型擇定等相關問題之參考,最後針對我國相關行政訴訟法條文規範,提出修法建議,以消除法條適用上之疑慮。This thesis “The Connotation and the Performance of Administrative Litigation of the Right to Remove Illegal Consequences (Folgenbeseitigungsanspruch)” focuses mainly on the connotation (including its extended meaning) of the above- mentioned right and some relevant issues of its practice in Administrative Litigation. “The Right to Remove Illegal Consequences” derives from the academic theory of the Administrative law in Germany based on the defensive function of fundamental rights, the right aims to remove illegal consequences caused by illegal activities of public authority. The purpose of the right is to realize the principle of Rule of Law. Traditional studies focus mainly on the connotation of the Right to Remove Illegal Consequences. However, there has also been discussion on whether a transformation of the connotation could have happened, when the original connotation of this right could not possibly be realized due to certain circumstances. This thesis also lays special emphasis on the practice of the right to remove illegal consequences in Administrative Litigation, which has not been fully discussed in theory and practice. This thesis explores the practice and types of administrative litigation in Taiwan, with reference to the Rules of the Administrative Courts (Verwaltungsgerichtsordnung [VwGO]) in Germany. Finally, several suggestions for the application of Taiwan’s Administrative Litigation Act are proposed based on the research findings.2854711 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/1/1論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)不法結果除去請求權基本權利之防禦權功能回復原狀國家責任法結果補償請求權the Right to Remove Illegal Consequencesthe Defensive Function of Fundamental Rightsthe Principle of Rule of Law公法上不法結果除去請求之權利建構與訴訟實踐The Connotation and the Performance of Administrative Litigation of the Right to Remove Illegal Consequencesthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/273471/1/ntu-104-R01a21009-1.pdf