台灣大學日本語文學系教授Professor of Department of Language and Literature of Japanese, National Taiwan University林慧君2018-02-022018-05-292018-02-022018-05-292017-061609-8978"日語縮略詞中,後項詞素是外來語詞根「コン」的複合縮略詞相當多,例如「エアコン」「パソコン」「マザコン」「ミスコン」等。然而,這些具有生產性的後項詞素「–コン」事實上彼此並不具有相同語義,而是一種同音意義的關係。   本論文首先從語義層面確認位於複合縮略詞的後項詞素「–コン」之語意。其次,從構詞法、構詞能力、縮略語詞的縮略法、結合對象等構詞觀點來探討「–コン」做為日語詞素的構詞特徵等。   經考察,確認了「-コン」其同音異義的原詞根包含「コンサート」「コンピューター」「コンパ」等34個;另,依據「-コン」的構詞特徵,闡明了含有後項縮略詞根「–コン」其最典型的構詞型態為:(前後項詞素部分省略之短縮法所形成之)[2音節外来語詞素+コン]。   最後,透過與宮島(1972)的「無意味形態素」及「ロケ」「レジ」等外来語縮略詞根之對比考察,分析「–コン」的本質,並論述「–コン」在日語中是屬於縮略形拘束詞根詞素的定位。"Many of the rear constituents of abbreviation compound words in Japanese are the loanword morpheme”-CON”, such as “EAKON”,” PASOKON”, “MAZAKON”, “MISUKON” and so on. However, all of the abbreviation compound words with rear constituent”-CON” mentioned above actually don’t mean the same. They are homophones. The study will clarify the meaning of the compound abbreviation “-CON” which is the rear constituent from the semantic order first. Then, investigating the essence of Japanese morpheme “-CON” from the viewpoint of the word formation rules, word formation ability, the rule of abbreviation and the collocations to discuss the feature of the word formation of”-CON” being the Japanese morpheme. The study confirmed that there are 34 original bases of the homonym of”-CON”, including” KONSATO”,” KONPYUTA” and” KONPA”. In addition, according to the feature of the word formation of”-CON”, we could sort out that the most classical word formation pattern which includes abbreviation rear constituent”-CON” is (abbreviations by omitting part of the front and rear constituents) [loanword morpheme with two syllables+ CON]. And last, analyze the essence of”-CON” and discuss its position being a part of the abbreviation of bound morpheme through the comparative analysis of “Unsemantic Morpheme” and the loanword abbreviation base” ROKE” and” REJI” by Miyajima (1972).外來語詞素複合縮略詞拘束詞根同音異義構詞loanword morphemecompound abbreviationbound morphemehomophonesword formation日本語の外来語形態素「-コン」についてThe Loanword morpheme ”-CON” in Japanesejournal article10.6183/NTUJP.2017.33.127